Fannie and Freddie, the financial collapse, barney frank, climate change/global warming hoax, china, Congress, do-nothing Democrat Senate, student loans, Occupy Wall St, America's future
Should be read in full.
Strategic Metals and American Competitiveness in the 21st Century "Is America confronting a situation similar to the 1970s OPEC oil embargo? No, the current situation is actually far worse. Deng Xiaoping famously noted 30 years ago that “the Mideast has oil, China has rare earths”. What he didn’t say was unlike the Mideast, China also has the means to manufacture and distribute globally every product that requires rare earths, which today includes automobiles, computers, cell phones, fluorescent lights, much of our military equipment and nearly every green technology‐electric cars, wind turbines, fuel cells, solar panels, etc."
The U.S. environmental movement needs to realize it is in a Catch‐22 that threatens the very future of our country AS THEY THEMSELVES ENVISION IT! Environmentalists cannot both demand a green technology future involving wind/solar energy and electric cars and simultaneously prevent the mining of the very raw materials essential to manufacture these products."
Global Warming Bubble is Popping "The 5,000 internal emails among "scientists" in the UK -- Climategate 2.0 -- are proving to be the tipping point. This story is now moving at warp speed."
While this is good news, the Left owns most of the media and academia, and will not give up their Big Lie AGW hoax easily.
Another excellent read.
The Root Cause of Market Failure In Higher Education "After years of cultural bombardment, a college education has gone from being a means to an end - a successful career - to an end in itself. Parents who don't send their children to college lose status. American kids feel both entitled and pressured into getting a college education regardless of whether they have the intellectual capacity to profit from it, the work ethic to manage it, or the money to pay for it."
"This may seem like common sense to most people, but it strikes horror into the hearts of the liberal professoriate. After years of feathering their nests so they can produce students trained only to bite the hand that feeds them, perhaps it's time to serve up a few helpings of horror. We can no longer afford to take the snobbery of academics seriously."
Have you gotten your Money’s Worth from Congress so far this year? "but what has Congress as a whole done this year to cut the budget? We take a comprehensive look below.
What you paid" "What you got [...] The [GOP majority] House voted to pass at least 25 bills or resolutions that would save taxpayers" "Other than the debt ceiling deal and the fiscal year 2011 CR, the [Democrat majority] Senate has passed only two items that would cut spending"
Though the pot shots at his sexuality are unacceptable this offers some background on Barney Frank. While the Occupy drones whine about Wall St and not Frank, Obama, Fannie&Freddie they can't be taken seriously.
Barney Frank the Grim Reaper who brought us the Housing Crisis and Financial Collapse calls it QuitsA whole lot more from Michelle Malkin
Breaking: Barney Frank will not seek re-election