These are only a couple of thoughts on the movement.
writerspleasure has been doing a yeoman's work documenting the antics, connection, background and other information on the Occupy movement. Much of it has been posted to
conservatism. Another excellent resource is
biggovernment. And of course,
Glenn Beck has been documenting the Community Organizer in Chief and his ties to ACORN, radical groups, communists, and just about every force of evil in the country since that freshman Senator with no real record of accomplishment was elected President of the United States.
First some history. This is Acorn, and a short version of what led up to the financial crisis.
ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS FOR REFORM NOW (ACORN). Note the Who's Who of lifetime radical Leftists touching on the group.
"Thus on Feb. 21, 2008, the organization officially endorsed Obama for U.S. President. This endorsement came at the very height of Obama’s hard-fought Democratic primary battle against Hillary Clinton. Welcoming the endorsement, Obama told an audience of ACORN workers and supporters: 'I’ve been fighting alongside ACORN on issues that you care about my entire career.'"
"In November 2008 Matthew Vadum revealed how ACORN, after news of its implication in voter-fraud began to surface during Obama’s 2008 presidential bid, tried to protect the Democratic candidate by covering up its own ties to him:"
ACORN (and all Democrats/Leftists) was a big supporter of the CRA, which was a major contributor to the financial crises.
The True Origins of This Financial Crisis After one removes all the efforts by Leftists to obfuscate the issue it isn't that complicated:
Leftists, from community organizers to the elected officials made it clear that banks were to make loans to people who could not pay them or the banks would become targets. Banks did so and then figured out how to continue to make a profit, enabled by Government sponsored entities Fannie and Freddie, who were protected by Democrats. For example, Jaime Gorelick, who may be the Antichrist, committed massive fraud running one of those entities, gaining herself a massive bonus. No Democrat has said word one about the fraud or bonus.
Recently I posted about Occupy Wall St with a link about
the Karl Rove of the Obama Administration which included this tidbit: "But before he was the White House political czar he worked in several far left organizations as activist and agitator. reported: [...] 'prior to assuming his current job, Gaspard, at least according to ACORN founder Wade Rathke, had been political director for the New York City chapter of ACORN under Bertha Lewis, who last year replaced Rathke as the group’s chief organizer and CEO. What’s more, he’s worked closely with the ACORN-controlled Working Families Party and the largest local within the Service Employees International Union.'
This weekend the Working Families Party of New York, Gaspard’s organization, placed an ad on Craig’s list for paid activists to fight Wall Street."
Note the constant intertwining of all the same names and organizations.
NYC, where Occupy first happened? You don't say. Moving on to the present...
ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers and Shredding Documents, After Exposed as Players Behind Occupy Wall Street Protests"Officials with the revamped ACORN office in New York -- operating as New York Communities for Change -- have fired staff, shredded reams of documents and told workers to blame disgruntled ex-employees for leaking information in an effort to explain away a report last week on the group’s involvement in Occupy Wall Street protests, according to sources."
"'They told us if people bring up the article, we’re supposed to say the source and all the stuff in there came from a disgruntled ex-employee who’s not working with us anymore.'"
Click for full size
If Occupiers really wanted to drag the guilty out into the streets and hang them as some have said (which obviously they should not do), the people they really should start with are mainstream media "journalists" and news producers, who ignore all of this easily obtained information that would illustrate to the Occupiers that they are nothing but tools the Obama Administration and far Left machine are using for permanent rule. Of course bankers want to make money, for themselves and their shareholders. What is the excuse of the representatives we sent to DC? To target Wall Street without targeting the corrupt politicians is unquestionably, obviously purely anti-capitalist. Which leads me to this thought.
99% Disaster, 1% Apologetics "At a certain point leftist activism tends to spill into the physical realm because it cannot continue to function within the framework of logical analysis."
"It’s not hard to see why. Watch any showdown between an articulate capitalist and an OWS-er. It’s not a political debate, but an anthropological event: present-day man reaching back through time to make contact with his primitive and superstitious ancestor. The capitalist understands the benefits of the free market but the Occupier doesn’t have to. The shamans of socialism have told him that Wall Street is populated by evil spirits"
"But you don’t need to make logical sense in order to vandalize and riot. Leftism turns violent not because its adherents are more passionate or brave than non-leftists. But because violence is the medium of the inarticulate. And if there’s one commonality among the otherwise heterogeneous Occupiers it’s their inability to articulate."
"And as OWS continues to morph, from a political wave to a crime wave, it remains to be seen if articulate liberals will find the words to distance themselves from the grotesque but unsurprising leftist fiasco."