Glenn Beck Was Right-#OccupyWallStreet,Violent Revolution-and more

Oct 25, 2011 13:44

Glenn Beck Was Right, Says Leading Occupy Activist: #OccupyWallStreet Wants Violent Revolution "One of Occupy Wall Street’s early planners and activists has given public credit to Glenn Beck for correctly analyzing the ultimate goal of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement: a violent revolution in which the wealthy are dragged into the streets and killed.
Malcolm Harris, an editor and activist who “has been active in OWS since the first planning meetings,” confirmed Beck’s analysis in his comments at a panel discussion on October 14th in New York-the same panel discussion that featured New York Times freelancer Natasha Lennard."
"Transcript (emphasis added):
'And the capitalists know that’s not the case, right? If you want to read what the capitalists think about this you can go look at what Glenn Beck says, right? He’s got a better analysis than most people on the left about where this could go, how threatening this...-'(There’s a cut here in the original video. It seems to continue about Beck.)"
"Rhodes accused me of ”wild speculation” for saying that Harris was referring to Glenn Beck’s “drag us out into the streets” quote.
Yet Harris himself jumped into the conversation, and confirmed: “Nope, @Stranahan pretty much nailed it.”"

At left is the ad for subscribers at Jacobin.

Here is a link to the original post at the site itself: VIDEO: #OWS, a debate on left politics and strategy "That’s why we organized a public debate and panel discussion in Manhattan last Friday about Occupy Wall Street and left politics and strategy. Held at Bluestockings, a radical bookstore on the Lower East Side, the event was packed, the audience overwhelmingly young, and the atmosphere electric:"

Here is a piece from the same author in September: Occupied Wall Street: Some Tactical Thoughts "It seems to me that the tactic of an occupation has two main goals, neither of which the Zuccotti Park encampment is achieving. The first would be some sort of sabotage or interference that halts business as usual.[...]
The second function of an occupation would be a kind of collective enjoyment or gain at your enemy’s expense. His stuff becomes your stuff, which you get to play with and put to use."
"There’s no security and no attempt to keep anyone out of the park, which I understand, but people should be aware that plans made in this supposedly occupied place go straight to the police, if they weren’t suggested in general assemblies by cops in the first place. So it’s not a very good staging ground for a next wave of actions"
"- If corporations are people, what would it mean to wrap our hands around one’s neck and choke it to death?
These are admittedly preliminary thoughts, and I want to discuss what to do with other folks, but I don’t want to address an assembly, and not just for security reasons. When I’ve found people and groups of people at the occupation who are ready to move beyond its current bounds, it’s on the edges of the large circles. Maybe it’s time the whole thing got edgier. That is, sharper."

This is him from August on the London riot. Looting And The Right to Luxury "It doesn’t occur to their judges that maybe the looters work at these stores every day, or at ones just like them. That they might walk down the aisles knowing they will never be able to afford the designer speakers or the fancy dresses they spend all day praising to customers."
"As long as there’s good Champagne in this world, then let it get warm sloshing next to the tired legs of two drunk teenagers walking home in the mid-morning. God knows they’ll make better use of it than the banker the market meant it for."

All of this means that at the very least there is at least one known faction within the movement who accepted the participation of those who advocate riots, looting and murder.

BTW, this movement started from adbusters. About - "On 13 Jul 2011, the group Adbusters released this call: Occupy Wall Street!
In Solidarity, and as a response to this call, a planning group was formed [], and an info sharing site established"

From the very useful site, ADBUSTERS MEDIA FOUNDATION (AMF) Emphasis mine.
"In its communiques to the “radicals and utopian dreamers” who were planning to participate in the September 17 demonstrations, AMF warned that: 'Strategically speaking, there is a very real danger that if we naively put our cards on the table and rally around the 'overthrow of capitalism' or some equally outworn utopian slogan, then our Tahrir moment [i.e., opportunity for revolutionary change] will quickly fizzle into another inconsequential ultra-lefty spectacle soon forgotten.” To guard against this possibility, AMF called for “a deceptively simple Trojan Horse demand”"'"
"According to journalist Aaron Klein, the September 17 New York City protests-which ultimately drew about 1,000 participants-apparently represented “the culmination” of a campaign by Wade Rathke, founder of ACORN and president of an SEIU local in New Orleans"


"Between 2001 and 2011, AMF received $176,500 in grants from the Glaser Progress Foundation, and $309,773 from the Tides Foundation."

Tides you say? TIDES FOUNDATION AND TIDES CENTER "By letting the Tides Foundation, in effect, “launder” the money for them and pass it along to the intended beneficiaries, donors can avoid leaving a “paper trail.” Such contributions are called 'donor-advised,' or donor-directed, funds.
Through this legal loophole, nonprofit entities can also create for-profit organizations and then funnel money to them through Tides -- thereby circumventing the laws that bar nonprofits from directly funding their own for-profit enterprises."
"The Tides Center’s Board Chairman is Wade Rathke, who is also a member of the Tides Foundation Board. Rathke, a protege of the late George A. Wiley, serves as President of the New Orleans-based Local 100 of the Service Employees International Union, and is the founder and chief organizer of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)."
"Open Society Institute of George Soros, who has donated more than $7 million to Tides over the years [that we know of]. Reciprocally, the Tides Foundation is a major funder of the Shadow Party, a George Soros-conceived nationwide network of several dozen unions, non-profit activist groups, and think tanks"
"One particularly notable donor to the Tides entities is Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of Senator John Kerry. From 1994 to 2004, the Heinz Endowments, which Mrs. Kerry heads, gave the Tides Foundation and Center approximately $8.1 million in grants."

OWS: Started by those indisputably intertwined with the Democratic Party, Obama, ACORN, SEIU, Soros.
The groups funded are calling for the fall of capitalism (which must be bloody), revolution, riots and in some cases outright mass murder.

OWS is nonviolent and peaceful? OWS is like the tea party? OWS is grassroots? Clearly none of those are true. In fact, most of the accusations made by Democrats toward the tea party appear to apply to Occupy Wall Street.

The above appears to be a network of crime and treason. How is the Democratic Party not considered both imminently dangerous and treasonous, a clear and present danger to the citizens of this country? If there are any good Democrats out there, true patriots, they might want to ask sooner rather than later.

If I can look all this up in minutes how are the media not complicit? And where on Earth are the Republicans during all of this?

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