Чт, 17:09: RT @ derekahunter: I'd rather the Pentagon over-pay for hammers than throw money at "Green" companies cuz, at the end of the day, at leas ...
Чт, 17:54: @ greggutfeld @ bobbeckel Pls ask Beckel how anti-illegal is wrong&racist but anti-illegal-employer,which hurts illegals,is noble.I smell spin
Чт, 18:00: @ greggutfeld @ bobbeckel Why is Beckel racist against all *world* would-be immigrants, who are bumped due to unregulated hispanic illegals?
Чт, 19:56: @ DanaPerino Pls ask Beckel how being anti-illegal is wrong&racist but anti-illegal-employer,which hurts illegals,is better. Class warfare?
Чт, 20:01: @ DanaPerino Why is Beckel against all *world* would-be immigrants,who must be bumped due to unregulated hispanic illegals?PLS challenge him!
Чт, 20:28: Just watched @ jehmu Greene embarrass herself (were that possible) by completely ignoring direct questions to recite divisive talking points.
Чт, 20:30: @ jehmu Ms Greene, if you believe your ideology is superior, why must you distract, accuse, recite, avoid direct questions? I think you know.
Пт, 00:19: Let's play ifarepublicansaidthis! A Governor says we should suspend elections, thereby violating the Constitution. http://t.co/OB5p08v3
Пт, 00:33: Let's play ifarepublicansaidthis!Former OMB Director:we should minimize Congress in favor of committees of ruling elite http://t.co/VTfkirXw
Пт, 00:35: Let's play ifarepublicansaidthis! US President says he wishes he could bypass Congress thereby ruling country. http://t.co/FwvpkrrA
Пт, 12:26: Something to remember and remind your friends regularly,we probably have all been paying a dollar more a gallon for a year because of Obama
Пт, 12:31: Re @ markos "Dear wingnuts,I guess Obama & the Democrats DIDN'T want the terrorists to win":Yes they did,*with a GOP Pres*.Partisan traitors
Пт, 12:36: Markos Moulitsas claims Dems weren't supporting terrorism b/c some killed now. Except the truth is they did so to undermine GOP president.