More information from Obama's past - Is Obama American? Is he Marxist? He tells us.

Sep 23, 2011 13:54

Maybe this is not new to people. I'd never heard any of this, and find it incredibly revealing.
For those who will dismiss it due to the source, here is the NYT referencing the same interview.

"Rediscovered" 1990 Newspaper article/interview with Obama: "The suburbs bore me..."
"'I'm not interested in the suburbs. The suburbs bore me. And I'm not interested in isolating myself,' Obama said in a recent interview. 'I feel good when I'm engaged in what I think are the core issues of the society, and those core issues to me are what's happening to poor folks in this society.'"
Okay. Here we have a guy who clearly states "the suburbs" (which means middle class America, folks) DO NOT MATTER TO HIM. He openly states his only interest is "the poor".

This fits right along with "share the wealth", "pay their fair share", raising the cap gains tax "in the interest of fairness" despite that it LOWERS REVENUE, and so much more. But we're still not allowed to say "Marxist", even though his only concern is the "core issue" of one class? Gee, now why on Earth would the economy tank with this guy at the helm?

But this quote is worse to me:
"'I lived in a country where I saw extreme poverty at a very early age,' Obama said. 'Parts of my family in Kenya remain very poor. My grandmother still lives in a mud-walled house with no running water or electricity.
'That's who I am, that's where I come from, not always literally, but at least emotionally.'"

Where he comes from emotionally, who he is, is someone from another country living in extreme poverty. Not an American. He is a Kenyan, or Indonesian, or some other non-American, living in extreme poverty. According to him.

Is anyone still surprised he would be on a constant crusade to dismantle this country at any cost?

So is Obama an American? In Obama's mind, not according to Obama.


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