Follow the money - union protests

Feb 23, 2011 12:03

Follow the Money: What the Wisconsin Education Association Isn’t Talking About

"As Americans, we’re often taught that trusts and monopolies are the product of big business and are bad. However, if trusts and monopolies are bad when Big Business engages in monopolistic ways, why isn’t it bad when Big Labor engages in the same sort of behaviors that are condemned when committed by Big Business?"
The answer, of course, is that the Left believes in winning by any means necessary.

"While the union meme has been that Walker’s plan is 'union-busting,' perhaps a more apt description would be 'trust-busting.'
One of the most vocal opponents of Scott Walker’s budget plan has been the Wisconsin Education Association Council [WEAC]. As a union affiliated with the NEA, WEAC (according to its website) represents 98,000 'educators' in the State of Wisconsin.
Like any union, WEAC has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo when it comes to forced dues from Wisconsin school teachers, as well as automatic dues deduction from teachers’ paychecks"
"In essence, Walker’s proposal threatens the life blood of the WEAC which, according to its most recent financial report on file (FY 2009), raked in over $25 million from teachers in a one year period.
Another threat to WEAC, which no one in the mainstream media is talking about is the threat to the union’s insurance trust, called WEA Trust. The WEA Trust is, in essence, a union-run 'multi-employer' health insurance trust "
"Last year, the Education Action Group issued a report which stated, among other things, that:
WEA Trust, an insurance company established and closely associated with the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), siphons millions of crucial dollars from K-12 schools and their students every year.
WEA Trust has grown very fat on public school dollars, with a net worth of $316 million and a team of 12 administrators all receiving compensation packages worth six figures per year."
"If the union can defeat Scott Walker’s reform plans, not only does it keep the union dues of teachers, it also gets to keep its health insurance monopoly intact."

This is about a money and power. Some of that money goes directly to the President of the United States. His own site, Organizing for America, is helping to organize and send people to this protest.

People telling you this is about the little guy are liars or fools. This is about keeping a boot on the throat of the little guy, forcing dues and insurance money; keeping a boot on the throat of politicians for the gain of a minuscule minority; and using that money to feed the socialist oligarchy that is the Democrat Party.
Things are about to get drastically worse. With a lawless President and a Justice Department that encourages racism and lawlessness, and with the President having a vested interested in supporting the thuggery and anarchy, a very small percentage of the population is going to cause a lot of violence and damage across this nation. Wake up the ignorant. Don't bother with the Liberals. They are incapable of hearing you, and will mindlessly support what's coming. They know no better and can't deny their faith.
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