Items from American Thinker

Oct 10, 2010 16:38

They were on fire yesterday.
Deficit? What Deficit? Spending shoots up 9% "We are living in a madhouse and lunatics are running the asylum. [...] Basic government spending rose by 9 percent in fiscal 2010, driving the country to a $1.291 trillion deficit down $125 billion from 2009, but still the second-largest hole on record[...] CBO said the 9 percent rise in spending for defense, social programs, entitlements and interest on the debt was "somewhat faster than in recent years" a stark evaluation at a time when President Obama and Congress are working to convince voters they are pursuing a fiscally frugal course in Washington."
"How can anyone in any branch of government, on either side of the aisle look the American people in the eye and say they are serious about reducing this massive deficit while increasing government spending by 9%?
They can't. So they simply revert to lying and hope that's good enough to get them re-elected."
Attention Republicans-HERE is your campaign message-Flood the airwaves with it:
But Republicans won't. Because the Ruling Class among them don't want it pointed out when they do the same thing, proving themselves only little better than the Democrats working to rule us.

What Is Congress Establishing? "Everyone is at least somewhat familiar with the so-called establishment clause of the First Amendment, the one that reads 'Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of a religion ... ' But what if Congress established a religion called by some other name? Would the establishment clause still hold power?
This thought was triggered by an article in the New York Times, dated October 3. The article announced that the National Science Foundation has awarded a $700,000 grant to a New York City theater company named Civilians to finance the production of a play about climate change. A musical."
Find me an AGW believer, even among the "peer reveiw" scientists, who openly objects to this as they all should. I bet it'll be few if any. Which should tell us all something about their reliability on the science.

"The entire basis for the failed Cap and Trade legislation push last year was AGW. Every American would be forced to pay taxes and fees, and higher energy bills, to satisfy the demands of a movement that is based on a fundamental premise that is (a) not provable to a skeptic and (b) not open to debate, discussion, or objective investigation."

"So is AGW simply a scientific theory, or is it a religion that is being legislated into existence by the Congress? Once again, if AGW is a scientific theory, it should be demonstrable and open to honest, open debate, discussion, and investigation."

It isn't. Liberalism is a religion, and AGW is one of its key tenets. If they convince us even the air we breathe must be regulated and controlled, their control of all aspects of our lives becomes more complete.

I have yet to find someone arguing for it that doesn't make "peer review" sound like a Muslim referencing the words of Mohammed; and that despite the shared ideology of these "peers" and the institutions that make them peers, the evidence of fraud, the evidence of shared flawed base data, the two decades of cooling starting now that they couldn't spot until two years ago, when they can supposedly tell us with certainty what the temperature will be in a century, the nearly complete lack of interest in prosecution and ostracism of those found to collude or commit fraud, and more.

When the peers share the ethics of the Left and of religious zealots, skepticism is the proper behavior of good and reasonable people.

When the government pays to put on a musical supporting it, every taxpayer should be outraged. Any who aren't reveal a lot.

Democrats show us yet again how much they recognize their ideology can stand up in the battlefield of ideas.
Kos Konspirators Try to Rig Google "In accord with the elevated tone set by the founder, the Daily Kos openly urges readers to rig Google rankings of articles, in order to make the most damaging material about Republican candidates appear prominently when their names are searched."
Any means to an end. I find it ever harder to understand how good people can associate themselves with Democrats.
If their ideology is so superior, why must they lie, cheat, steal and any other underhanded tactic to further it? If they KNOW they must do it, what does it say of those doing it?

Our Gangsta Rapper in Chief "Frankly, there should be no surprise that a man with the music tastes this one purports to have should be edgy and combative. As recently as a few days ago, Obama’s IPod musical selections were the topic of a Wall Street Journal article and it was not to praise them, as indicated by the title, Obama’s Rap Palate, but even more so by the subhead, 'Why praise violent, misogynistic hip-hop stars?' Why indeed?"
"So why does the almost fifty year-old leader of this nation listen to such juvenile and criminal drivel and worse, brag to the world that he does? We should all hope that perhaps this is just a P.R. ploy"
Meanwhile, the villains of the world have yet another reason to look at our man-child President and laugh at us.

On the Dismal State of Political Wit "The brilliant minds on the Left seem to confuse rage with humor. Like male chimps, they simply tear off leaves and branches, jump up and down, bare their canines, and scream a lot. But that isn't funny. Americans know the Left doesn't have any ideas, just rage.
Obama is a classic butt for jokes, a guy with his head orbiting the Mothership, still living in Dreams from my Father -- which turned his father's Kenya into a bloody nightmare -- and always stepping on the most malodorous and juicy cow pats that litter the ground in D.C. He has no sense of humor. The Messiah does not tolerate laughter"
"Lousy unemployment? "Green jobs will save the economy." Iranian nukes on the way to Israel and, soon, the U.S.? "We are banning their pistachio imports." The panty-bomber stopped by a miracle in the air over Detroit? "The system worked."
"Now, those are natural laugh lines. Groucho Marx would have killed for them. But the Left is living in fear and rage" Liberalism is a religion, and it does not take kindly to blasphemers.
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