Dream Journal

Feb 22, 2006 18:09

I’ve been reading Jung, and because of it, I’ve begun keeping a dream diary. Also, I started taking melatonin again. I’ve always been fond of melatonin. I love how vivid it makes my dreams. I’m hoping to solve a few of my psychic problems. Dreams are so closely tied to my religious beliefs that I feel that I’ve spent far too much time avoiding their analysis. It’s strange; I would have guessed that a heightened spiritual awareness would bring unadulterated bliss to one’s life. I had no idea, that when you become a disciple of God, you truly become a pilgrim and stranger in this wearisome land. It’s not because the world is lovely that God calls us to hate it, but because it is ugly. The world as we know it is evil. I’m sure I’m going to be called an absolutist, but that’s ok. I am an absolutist. Let the dead bury the dead. All I can do when I feel this way, when the truth is in me no matter how much I oppose it, is to quote Leonard Cohen: “God is alive”.
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