When Scott Girton Goes To The Movies...

Jun 01, 2005 10:45

Scene. I'm on a metallic boat in the middle of lake Paulina. With me are my girlfriend, my mother,some kid named Jeremy and my stepdad Scott Girton. My mom and girlfriend are talking but we are ignoring them. Scott and I are on opposite sides of the boat and we're talking past the girls to hear one another. We're both terribly drunk. I've just said something about the power of film.

Scott: When I go to a movie I'm not looking to see some earth shattering picture. I don't care if it's deep. In fact, the more shallow it is the better. I hate walking out of a movie that I have to talk about with people. I hate walking outside to the car and having people say things like "what did you get from that picture? Did you feel anything? Who do you feel Mr. So and So was symbolic of?" I hate that shit. I don't want people asking me about the movie. When I go to a movie I go for one reason: to be entertained.

Timothy: Couldn't a movie be both? Meaningful and entertaining?

Scott: No. Not at all. If it has meaning people are going to want to talk about it. If someone asks me what I thought about a movie I just tell them "I don't know, I forgot it all ready."

Timothy:(sticking my hand out of the boat and into the water) Kevin Smith did this comic once where his character Jay was saying that he goes to the movies to see explosions and giant fucked-up mutant fish. ...but Kevin Smith made Clerks...

Scott: Yeah.

Suddenly my mom laughs and says something about mushrooms and acid.

Scott: Yeah. I remember this one time that I got really high on mushrooms. I came home and my dad was watching Tv and I sat down right next to him and after my head stops spinning I realize that he's watching the fucking Blob! I thought it was the funniest shit ever. So I'm laughing my ass off and my dad looks over and asks, "what's wrong with you?" and I calm myself down and say, "Nothing, I'm just a little drunk." Oh yeah...weird times. Weird times.

Me(deeply intoxicated): Does anyone else needs to pee?

Mom: No.

Girlfriend: Yes.

Scott: Yeah.

Jeremy: No.

Scott: Ok, let's dock this boat and pee.

He starts towards shore and my mom starts the crew in on a drunken chorus of 80's pop standards. Jeremy (the only sober passenger on the boat) seems to deeply annoyed.
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