Title: Nameless Things
femslash100's alphabetsoup: N is for narcotic
Claim: Mary-Louise Parker
Fandom: RPFS
Pairing: Janel Moloney/Mary-Louise Parker
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 122
Disclaimer: Not true!
You've never liked drugs, or at least the drugs you've tried. They left you feeling drained and dull, but there was never the euphoria of pain washing away. (Pot has always seemed especially overrated to you; perhaps you should say that in an interview one day, just to share the irony.) She, though, can help you forget the things that make you feel fragile and the reasons you have to cry. With her, the world is covered in haze and the only important things seem to be her mouth and hands.
Once, you almost told her that she was your drug, but it seemed too pretentious and a bit like a lie.
All that's important is that you need her (for now).