Apr 08, 2005 21:03
So I had a really shitty week. Three test on on thursday and two today (friday). I failed my astronomy test miserably, assuming I didnt do well on my soc test and I did good on my math test.
Drove home today, I was very tired and not in the mood to think or talk or deal with anything. I got home and found out that I didnt have my cell phone cover which means I cant get my cell phone fixed so I either have to wait until november with a delapatated phone or feel horrible and have my dad buy me a new one. As if my cell wasnt enough I was still built up from my tests and another issue I had.
I left and came to my dads house walked in and melissa was getting ready to go for a run she was talken to me for a minute then she asked "are you ok" of course the words every person who is about to freak out hates. I instantly started crying.....haha bad....and I feel really dumb about it now but I feel sooooo much better now. Melissa was like you just cant hold it in you gotta let it out you cant keep it all in. Then I told her what was wrong. Then my dad walked in the door and daddy and melissa saved the day. I was like still breathing wierd a half an hour after my freek out. ohhh yah felt stupid but I guess its ok.
After that meg pestered me for a good solid 5 minutes to go play tenis so we went over and played for a while. It was fun lots of running good times. Then we came back and went to crumpets and had dinner with morgan and lin. Im having a really good night and am so glad I didnt even think about going to RI woulda sucked. All we do is drink and that gets reallllly old after a while and Im only a freshmen in college!!!! I still have a long way to go of drinking partying!!!! oh my!!!!
annnnyways melissa is coming over later we're gonna party!!!!