Two years ago I made Danielle's Work Dress from the movie Ever After.
I used jump rings as a method of attaching the upper (and lower) arm guards to the bodice. The first time I wore the dress the ties slipped out of the teeny-tiny holes in the rings. I've also lost a couple of the rings...
So last night I was browsing the internet and I found
this dress diary. The entry for 1/3/03 gave me the idea of using ribbon instead. The laces will slide through the narrow bit between the stitching and be tied there, instead of going through a ring and being tied there.
The question is, does it work? I find that many things that sound wonderful in theory aren't so in practice... but it can't be worse than the jump rings. My mom saw me changing over, and wondered if there shouldn't be some sort of reinforcement underneath to take the stress of holding the guards up. Theory says that since I've been wearing them for two years with the laces tucked inside, and they almost stay where they're supposed to just a small bit of resistance will keep them in place and I won't have to go around tugging them back up every half-hour or so.