Here are some pictures of things in Cairo. This is what I see on a daily basis.
I like this pic. Three women side by side totally covered in black. Often I see these women, whom I was told, take what Islam says to the extreme. Most women are just veiled, but these women will cover their entire face and maybe cut out eye holes. They are actually called "ghosts."
This is a typical Egyptian market. They have many different spices and nuts I've never even heard of.
People are always carrying stuff on their head.
This is the family that lives outside at the end of my street. Ya, those are their beds outside there. The weather is always nice, so you could actually live outside. Although the summer is unbearably hot, which I don't know how they do it. I guess they have to-no other choice.
Despite how poor some people are, or what their lives entail, Egyptians are ALWAYS happy and SUPER rowdy.
Taxi drivers do stuff to their cabs to make them "original." Usually with flashing strobe lights or blue lights all over the place. This guy had the craziest stereo ever just pumping oriental belly dance music. Check out the three amps mounted into the dash HAHA. See his pinky finger nail and how much longer the nail is compared to the rest of his nails? A lot of people keep this nail super long b/c they use it to pick the wax out of their ears. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not-GROSS.
Here's a Egyptian band. They are funny.
This man probably lives in his workshop, most people just live in their little shop.