Jun 29, 2003 14:10
so ive recently returned from my san francisco excursion. how fucking spectacular. san francisco knows how to rockstar. people seem to be doing good. jason is good. vic is good. dan is good. etc etc. they all seem to be doing the same thing. they are happy with it. thursday i went over vics and we got horchata at tres amigos. illed the fuck out. then i finally got yuri and we went to the erase errata/numbers show. missed numbers AGAIN. totally non-radical. but this canadian band was rad and erase errata was off tha hizzle fo shizzle. ALSO! in the parking lot these crazy raver girls were "feeling the music" and doing CRAZY AS FUCK double dutch to the power of ten as they were rolling, hitting nitrous, drinking tecate, etc. it was the most chillest of chill. and ill. then we went to popscene to see the regulars. NO SUCK LUCK. no such. then me and yuri went back to illbrae and chilled out on fake melon soda that made me want to kill. im serious. it was the helter skelter of immitation japanese soft drinks. torrance is not in japan. went home. friday i did the watching of the movie the recruit. i swear to fucking henry rollins, all me and my dad can talk about without annoying me is movies. thats because the only other thing my dad talks about is money. but yeh. movies. ILL. also saw about schmit while i was home. it was good. it had a few downsides that i dont have the energy to address, but it was well acted and fairly well directed. but what do i know. then me and tony m. and the big beau went down to san jose to see all girl summer fun band. we thought thermals were playing too but they didnt. it was rad but im not as into the new agsfb stuff and i mostly just wanted to see thermals. oh well. OKAY. san jose sucks. that is not a lie. then i went and ate chinese with the high school crew at 5A's. so ill. then we played MJ for a long time. then i went home. look at spot. look at spot run. run spot, run. played basketball and also talked about school. yeh. 2 years? anyhow. ANYHOW. xbxrx and paradise island at bottom of the hill so empty, yet still oh so awesomest. gaelen let me in on her +1. totally freaking free. insert ninja turtles inspired slang here. then afterwards i went to one of her friend's home until the wee hours. most awesome. woke up. went to san jose. did the plane/sleep for one hour thing. ate with amy who is so *HANDS EXPLODE IN THE FACE* bodacious. tongiht i think im going to LA w/ monica and other people for her birthday? yeh. erica if you read this, which you wont, my phone is in san francisco so i dont know if i can call but ill try. piece out. im illing it. YO. bye everyone in the best metropolitan area. i love you forever and miss you already. DUDE.
ps. fuck.