As I've had no interesting irate observations about society to vent off on here for a bit and needed to update, I'll post about the change of my site.
Having been granted several new free chunks of web-world, I've moved from - my home for the past year. DR is getting back its free servers, and I'll ask if I can have my URL back then. In the meantime, I have about a month 'til I've gotta renew and thought it would be best just to put up a redirect.
My New Home! Further, I iFramed this journal into a nice page
here. Interesting - if you scroll down so that you can see both the avatar and the lil jester at the top, they seem to fit together. I din't do that on purpose. The "Pocketful" was a layout I've been using elsewhere for a while. I changed the background here to match it, but I've had that avatar for a few months. I've decided the fact that they fit so well means something deep. It's a statement about how we can see the world through the right-brain or the left - through emotion or logic; idealism or realism. However not equally through both at the same time. (Or maybe that's just me. *Shrug* Either way...)
Also made
a page to iFrame my writing journal in. Have used the "Amalthea" avatar there all along, but thought to carry on the "Last Unicorn" theme into the header was somehow appropriate. Somehow fits the moods and feelings I have when I've the urge write there.