Ummm... the great mole rat? I thought I was weird! (And shouldn't that be "The Great Mole Rat"?)
Looked up a
listing of phobias. Wondering if I could find a name for my recording device thingie. (Haven't yet, but then I've not read 'em all yet, either.)
I've also got a severe anxiety about people seeing my website, or my work in general... Wonder if these may all tie together and it could be a form of "Atychiphobia- Fear of failure," or "Catagelophobia- Fear of being ridiculed". Not quite sure. Don't believe it's a general social anxiety thing.
By the way - "Melissophobia- Fear of bees". I knew that.
(Well - kinda. I thought it was "Melissaphobia", but close enough for jazz. "Melissa" does mean "honeybee".)