So we got up early on sat morning and headed off up to the shops. We actually wrote a shopping list and wow, what a difference. I usually just get a trolley and stroll around all the aisle looking to see what I might need. But this time, just straight to the aisles where we needed stuff then out. Quickest shopping venture ive had where the trolley is full.
Anyways after the three of us doing the shopping we went and collected the balloons, streamer and party hats from the fancy dress shop. The party was funny hat dress. As our friends over here are not good at dressing up we wanted to at least have something fun.
Oh and the cake. I cheated and ordered a birthday cake for them both. It was suppose to be ready at 1pm, so when I went to get it they had stuffed it up. It was really quite expensive and so I told them to fix it up and would come back later. Lisa drove me down about an hour later to get it so all was happy then. Just a minor drama.
Docs side of the cake was Man u colours and banana cake with butter cream icing (his favourite) Rivers was all blue and chocolate cake (my favourite )
We got home, rushed around unpacking and decorating the house then showered and dressed in time for my friend lisa to arrive a bit early to help out. After setting out the chips/dips etc etc we finally could relax and start drinking.
The invite said 2.30 but I don’t think anyone got there before 3.30, our friends are really good on time, but with kids you do need to make the effort as they go down for naps and bed. Grant (docs mate) turned up on time actually so we had 2 whole guests for an hour or so. Though as I had a bourbon and coke in my hand I didn’t care. Lisa even helped me do the pass the parcel as I hadn’t done it yet. Also, not one person wore a funny hat!!!!
Lisa brought 2 of her own hats to wear, Which made her look hot not funny, but besides that no one, so I had a crown I made grant wear, Moc wore rivers sheeps hat and everyone else was forced to wear party hats. Doc, River and I all went and bought hats for the occasion. I was a pimp daddy, doc had a cool parrot hat and river had a giraffe headband. He was very cute
Once everyone arrived it was all go. Loads of presents for river and everyone watched as he opened them all. With of course some help from mummy and daddy.
Then we did the cake. And you can see after we sung happy birthday River got a bit excited and fell on the cake! He had colouring all over his pants, though he didn’t mind.
The boys all went off and played bbq while us girls all did the salad. IT was very cold outside so everyone had their winter jackets on and hats and scarves. Our neighbour said it was very funny to watch out the window all the boys standing around in the cold with their hats on.
We then played pass the parcel, and it was sooooooooooooo much fun. We put some adult fun into it and each wrapping had something they had to do. Consume your vessel, stand up and hop on 1 leg for 30 seconds, do the haka, kiss the person next to you.
Everyone had such a good time they said they were going to do pass the parcels at all their parties
Then we played musical statues. I was the music man and everyone had to dance until the music stopped then they had to freeze. Whoever was the last to freeze had to have a shot of JB scotch whiskey (a dreadful whiskey we have been trying to get rid of for ages )
Of course they made me have some as well as they thought I was cheating by hiding behind the stereo. Everyone played and had fun except one girl. Docs boss brought her along. She was a saffa and just refused to play. Of course being game nazi I told her if she didn’t follow the rules she couldn’t play anything else.
Twister and kaplonk was brought out after that but most of us just drank and listened to music as you do at parties, and of course played with little river, though he loved the twister.
The Romanians and a few other left later and by 12 there were only 8 of us left. Me and doc, Moc and Kirralee and Lisa and Grant (he he who got together that night) and of course shell and steve, good old troupers like us. Moc and Mo left about 2ish I think.
So we ended up boozing and dancing around the kitchen until about 5am. I think I ended up about 4ish not being able to keep my eyes open and trying to go to bed.
Sun was a very slow day, with doc and I taking it in turns to sleep. I wasn’t feeling very well at all and swore off alcohol, but as you all know that never last long.
All in all a bloody great party!