Oct 07, 2007 14:31
Yesterday was fucking awesome.
First, me and katara woke up and i, thank fully, did not have a hang over, like i thought i was going to. We got to say good bye to lilly and reena and then we went home.
To my wonderful surprise, i found out that our grandparenrts are not home and wont be for the whole day! No nagging old people! WOOT! Me and katara, sadly, had to go do the worst job in the world, catering. I got to fulfill one of my dreams, which was smoke on the way to work though. XD
Then, we worked. It sucked. My feet hurt. It was boring and confusing cuz we work with old ppl who are all imaptient and dont like us and they dont tell us what they want and then they yell at you for not doing things right and its just like, "well EXPLAIN how you want me to do things if you want them done RIGHT!" Grrrrr....
Plus, we had to work with some retarded 16 yr old who thought he was cool cuz he could cuss when really he was just fat and stupit and listened to ucky rap music. and forced us to listen to it in the car!! NOT FAIR! I about died with all the "Money money monery, money money." EW!
But, then jed called and said he wanted to go to the haunted corn field. Sweet. After we got done working, we drove and picked up jed, then drove home and picked up ryan, then we were on our way to the corn field.
It was 9 fucking dollars! To go through a corn field and get scared!? Jezus, it was fucking stupid! and we're all broke as hell! Oh well, we paid anyway.
Foreshadowing: We were making fun of jed all night because he was wearing sandles. We were like "you should be wearing REAL shoes" and such.
So, we're waiting in line. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Some while kids behind us crossed the rope and cut, which pissed us all off, but we got over it cuz it was, like, 2 kids. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Its been about 40 minutes of waiting in line. Boring waiting.
Then a group of black kids cut in line, Like, 5 of them. Katara pointed at them and was all like "They just cut in line!" real loud. XD and they were all like "no we didnt" we were pissed cuz that was the second group of kids we seen cut in line. How unfair.
Now the black kids are infront of us and then, we see them go under the rope AGAIN! How infuriating!
Waiting, waiting, waiting.....
A security guy comes up with his little flash light and goes up to the group of black kids. We were like "sweet!" a lady had told on them! Then the kids try to say that she had been drinking and that she was a crazy drunk! How mean! The kids tried to talk their way out of getting in trouble and sent back to the end of the line, and they were saying that "Oh, only 2 of us were cutting, not ALL of us!" Psht, way to abandon each other! Well, the guy made them go back. YAY! sweet justice. We were sure to thank the lady who, by the way, was completely sober.
Then, it was out turn to go into the haunted sorn field. I was very scared because i had only been in one haunted corn field before, and it was not scary. We sang the whole way through. But this one was supposed to be REALLY scary.
When we first went in, we sang "Over the Rainbow" and a guy working their was like "we're off to see the wizard" and jed yelled "the wonderful wizard of OZ." lol
Then the scary monster dudes came out.
Oh my god, i was so scared. I was holding hands with jed and screaming and trying to get away but they just kept following us! Every time one of them jumped out, i would jump and try to run away. I was screaming and laughing at the same time and i couldnt breath. Im such a pussy....
But not as much as katara! She got less than half way, then she and ryan got ahead of me and jed. They stopped to wait for us and she could hear guys with chainsaws farthur up. Then she told a monster that she was scared and wanted to get out and he was nice enough to lead her out of the corn field and told all the other dudes not to scare her.
Me, jed and ryan trecked on.
The dudes with chainsaws were the scariest. Two of them came out at once and we were sceaming and trying to get away. It was crazy, And they dont leave you alone! they just keep coming!
Then, jed said his toe hurt. We saw that his toe next to his big toe was bent at a very unnatural angle. Because of his stupid sandles, his toe got broken! He is not exactly sure how it happened....
We told a monster dude and turned on a flashlgiht and was like, 'ya, that looks broken.' But jed, being a trooper, said that he wanted to continue. He walked the rest of the way with a broken toe! The dude followed us to make sure nothing bad happened. he was pretty nice.
After we got out, jed started to feel the pain of a broken toe. Tyan ran ahead to the car, where katara was waiting, and then drove to get jed and me. Jed called his mom and told her to come to the hospital. We are all very bad in emergencies. Rather than being supportive, we just all start giggling and making terrible jokes. XD
Jed called his mom again, and by now is in alot of pain, and asked where she was. he laughed/cried and then hung up. Ryan was like, "what did she say?" Jed was like "she had to poop." lmao. We laughed for, like, 5 minutes.
so, we make it to the hospital, finally, after gettin caught by every stop light and "going every bump and hole in Allen coounty" (Jed) they gave jed a wheel chair and wheeled him back. Me and katara waited in the waiting room, because only one person could go back with jed, but a few minuted later ryan came out and told katara and me that we could go back.
We waited with jed in his little room for a doctor. We got their at the perfect time. If the hospital had been busy, we would have been watiing for hours, but we got waited on very quickly. The doctor came in, introduced himself, and turned to ryan and was like "what relation are you?" Ryan was like "uh....best freind" lol. Me and katara said the same thing. Jed got and x-ray and they had to tape his toes together and give him this boot thing to wear. The nurse had really cool hair and commented on jed's pedicure. His mom got there eventually and all worked out. Jed gets 3 days off of work now, so he can come hang out with us on tuesday.
At 1:30 in da mornin, we got to leave. we dropped jed off at his house, then went home.
It was a very evenful day.
Jokes made about jeds toe:
"Atleast your right foot is fine."
"We told you sandles were a bad idea."
"My dream of being a foot model is gone."
"Your toes are giving us the peace sign."
"If you wanted drugs, your didnt have to do this."