#03- fic: four times brad and kara almost broke up, and one time they did

Jul 23, 2009 02:47

Title: Four Times Brad and Kara Almost Broke Up, and One Time They Did
Author: hellolamppost17 
Pairing/Character: Brad, Brad/Kara
Word Count: 1,068
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Brad and Kara fight and make-up quite often, but you can only let so many things slide.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Author's Notes: Forgive me, but this is un-beta'd. Basically, it was a wild plot bunny that needed to be filled before I could sleep.


It was your normal law school party. Loud, repetitive hip-hop was playing over the stereo, horny teenagers were groping each other in corners, and a beer bong was present and in constant use.

To Brad though, this party was different because he was in love. Or well, something close to it. He could feel it in his bones though, Kara was something special. She was somebody who was going to be one of the great loves of his life. She could possibly even be The One that Hallmark keeps griping about on Valentine’s Day.

Yes, Brad was positively glowing all throughout the party, he was so excited. That is, until he noticed Kara in the corner talking to Scott Porter. Or rather, giving him sex eyes and basically inviting him into her pants.

Well, he just wasn’t going to take that. He was her boyfriend for god sakes. So he decided to march right over there and lay down the law, like any good boyfriend would do.

Kara sat there silently, as Brad took her away from Scott and into a corner where he could safely let all of his frustrations into a nice rant involving a few curses and an abundance of angry gesticulations. She did not seem phased by his harsh words, but rather slightly turned on. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as he continued his speech, until suddenly she grabbed him by the shirt collar, and pressed his lips onto hers.

“Scott doesn’t hold a candle to you, baby,” she purred into his ear before dragging him off into an empty room.

Brad really couldn’t argue against that.


“You’re just jealous that I’m a better law student than you are!,” Kara sniped as they walked out of class together.

“No, I’m not, Kara! I’m just saying that, I think that Professor Myles grades girls on an easier scale,” Brad argued back, his frustration mounting.

“Honestly Brad, how are we ever going to stay together if you doubt my abilities?” Kara questioned as she pushed away from Brad and put a wide amount of distance between them.

Brad stood there for a few minutes in awe, amazed that his girlfriend of a year would really think that he doubted her abilities. It was blasphemous. He was damn near ready to speak his mind on the subject, but then he stole a glance at Kara and noticed how insecure she looked, and suddenly his anger washed away.

He walked over to her and tenderly took her hand. In what amounted to barely a whisper, he looked her in the eye, and told her, “You know I think you’re amazing right?”

As she began to smile he continued on, “You also know that I believe you are going to rock at being a criminal lawyer? And that you’re the most amazing girl in the world? And that if any lawyer could beat me in court, it’d be you?”

When Brad finished talking to Kara and squeezed her shoulder in comfort, it was as if suddenly they weren’t even in the middle of an argument, but rather in the middle of a declaration of love. Not much was spoken between them after that, but they both walked off campus hand in hand, in a state of silent bliss.


Mosquitoes buzzed around their ears as they sat on the porch of his family home, barely moving.

“You know, I hate him,” Kara muttered as she looked off blankly into the distance.

“Well, I really couldn’t expect you to like him, especially after how he treated you…,” Brad began as he sat in similar state to Kara’s.

The air stayed silent for a while, as the couple sat like statues, only moving to slap the occasional mosquito that got too close to their ears. Suddenly, Kara turned to Brad, and with sorrow in her eye, she suggested that maybe they should break up.

“It really is the only way,” she reasoned, “Your family hates me, and the relationship you have with them is important. You can’t just throw it away. It’d be idiotic.”

Brad took her hand and gazed into her eyes, full of conviction. “No it wouldn’t,” he began, “It wouldn’t be idiotic to dump them at all. They’re quite unreasonable. But dumping the girl I love because my family doesn’t like her right away? Now that’d be stupid.”

Kara sat there shocked. “You love me?”, she quietly asked, smiling to herself.

“Of course I do!,” Brad exclaimed and quickly kissed her on the lips to prove it too her.


When they broke up over political differences during their final year of law school, Brad was certain that this one would stick.

He was so heartbroken, that he began to mutually cling onto Marshall, each one delving further into a sham bromance as a means of escaping their heartache, if only for an hour. And sure hanging out with Marshall was fun, but it didn’t compare to wasting away the hours with her, discussing health care policy or studying for the finals in-between rounds of amazing sex.

So when she came to his doorstep, tears streaming down so rapidly, that her eye make-up had been completely washed up he jumped for joy on the inside. She didn’t even have to ask him back, rather he kissed her on the spot in a means of mutual understanding. They didn’t need words anymore to express their emotions, and Brad knew that in this moment, they were meant to be together.

That night they just lay on the couch together, enjoying each other’s presence. He didn’t want anything else.


He walked away for good, when he walked away from the hotel room.

The hotel room that she was in with their professor at that moment. The hotel room that she was having sex in with aforementioned professor, until Brad came by and saw her. The hotel room where she claimed that it was a mistake, and that it didn’t mean anything.

This was no Scott Porter incident though. Brad knew it meant something, and no kisses or words could really make up for that.

So he walked away, single for the first time in years, depressed for the first time since starting college, and feeling more alone than he thought was ever possible.

He couldn’t believe he thought she was The One. He really could not believe it.

!fanfic, tv: how i met your mother

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