FenCon Report Part II

Sep 19, 2010 21:05

FenCon Day 2

Saturday for me started with a 10am panel on Zombies and other natural disasters in fiction. The moderator had us introduce ourselves and identify whether we were on Team Zombie or Team Humanity in the event of a zombie apocalypse, which I thought was a great way to start the panel. We had a lively panel and a lively audience, and I think it went well.

Since my reading was switched (at my request) to Friday, I was able to attend October Country's concert, which was excellent. I had my signing at 2pm, and Ghost of a Rose's concert was at 3pm. They performed (I think) 13 songs, 10 of which Dene and I wrote. It was the first time I had heard their arrangement on many of the songs, particularly with their newly added third member (who plays cello).

I also attended the Bohnhoff's Saturday concert before Chris and I headed out to the Londoner for dinner. We returned in time for me to practice a bit and then watch the cabaret. I needed to practice for 2 reasons - 1) I had received a request for Number Four Privet Drive, which I haven't performed in quite a while because it has some scansion problems and I always lose the tune about half way through, and 2) my songwriting muse was working overtime and I wrote 2 songs on Saturday.

Both songs were the result of suggestions by other people, which took root in the fertile, twisted soil of my brain. Dene and William were going to try to do Standard Progression in the filk circle (although that ended up not happening), and Sundara and I had plans to spring Cereal Thing on Patti during the circle. Patti had come up with the phrase "lurking and stalking" as the first line to a parody of My Favorite Things. My brain (as often happens) turned left at Albuquerque and I creeped myself out with what I wrote. I think we creeped out the circle, too!. Here are the lyrics:

Cereal Thing
words (c) 2010 by Melissa L. Tatum
tto: My Favorite Things (from The Sounds of Music)

Lurking in shadows and stalking my victims
It gives me great pleasure to pick out the next one
I like the ones who eat oatmeal with cream
I guess you could call it a cereal thing

When I see pilgrims and oats on a package
I cannot help it, I become a savage
sneak in the bedroom and cut out their heart
eat it with oatmeal and then I depart

When the dog growls
When the wind shrieks
When you feel alarmed
You shouldn't ignore the sound of the stair creak
Because I intend you harm

A task force was formed by the local police
Its focus is getting the murders to cease
They're trying to figure out how I will choose
But I am careful and haven't left clues

When the dog growls
When the wind shrieks
When you feel alarmed
You shouldn't ignore the sound of the stair creak
Because I intend you harm

I heard the circle went until 4am, but I faded shortly after 2am.

To be continued . . .

fencon, filk

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