(no subject)

Nov 15, 2007 04:23

Why am I so wide awake?! It is 4:23 AM... and I have class at 10. that means waking up in 4.5 hours. I guess it could be worse, eh?
I've had alot on my mind lately and i think it keeps me from getting anything done in a timely manner. It's taken me all evening [and into this morning] to do a few simple homework assignments. GAAAaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.

It helps to write it all down though, in my real journal.. you know, the pen and paper kind. But even then I feel as if that's not enough. I think some of these issues that are on my mind might truly only be set right if I address them out loud to the persons involved. As of lately though... that seems impossible for some reason. What would they think, how would they react if I actually told them all the thoughts that are tumbling around inside my noggin these days. Where would I even begin? Why is it such a big deal? I need to learn how to deal with these things before they evolve into such the catastrophic ordeal that I've made it into. My interpersonal skills SUCK these days.

Theeeeese daaays.
These days i seem to think alot
about the things that I forgot to dooo.

This morning (or yesterday, rather) I woke up and decided to listen to the Newsies soundtrack in order to help me wake up.. BAD IDEA.. stuck in my head alll day. Not so much fun as one might imagine.

Also currently on my pet peeve list: There's a fucking fly in my room and it won't leave, nor let me wrangle it. AND i can't sleep.

I can not wait until this quarter is over. And that is very sooooon!

please don't confront me with my failures
I have not forgotten them
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