Man, I love Spring Break week because you can do things at times you want to do them. For once I didn't have to watch Lost as late as I used to this season lol. Now normally the episodes after a very big episode they tend to be a bit more lackluster, but honestly I found Jin and Sun's episode quite entertaining. It was romantic, tense, touching, and progressed several things.
Jin & Sun - After all this time it's nice to see these two together in some fashion. These two were meant to be together no matter what. What I loved is that Ji Yeon was also meant to be no matter what since Sun looks to be in her first trimester. The island just hurried it along a bit by helping Jin' you know lol. I wonder how AU!Jin/Sun got together secretly which also parallels the actual timeline where Sun had her affair. Sun is still her fiesty self and Jin is the awesome badass as he was meant to be. They are still looking out for each other. To get to one another. Even though it's something we seen the entire series I can never get tired of it. Daniel and Yunjin do such as great job at the Kwons' love story that I can't help be caught up it in again. I knew Sun would be shot when she was near the fridge off to the right, but that didn't decrease the fact I was fearful for Ji Yeon's life.
On a shallow not Yunjin and Daniel looked amazing in this episode, and it's about time we saw Daniel shirtless again *drools*. I loved the shot where they opened the door and there is Jin shirtless and all badass looking. Man, I was hoping Keamy didn't say put some clothes on lol.
Cameos Galore! - Sayid was somewhat helpful toward Jin. I loved seeing Keamy again, but omg that man just never dies quickly just like in S3 lol. It's great to see Mikhail again because he was a favorite mine in S3. The way he talks and how cunning he is. I could go on and on, and that guy was meant to have only one eye no matter what lol. Gotta admit it was neat to see him with both of his eyes.
2007 Timeline
Sun - While Daniel shined in the flashsideways Yunjin shined in the island story. When a show like Lost goes into a final season you are fearful of every character. Any character could die at any moment. When Fake!Locke appeared to Sun in her garden (how awesome was it to see Sun in her garden again *sniff*) you know she shouldn't go with him. Even though you understand Sun wants to be with her husband all she wants, but deep inside part of her knows not to trust this "person". Sun's Korean argument with Richard was outstanding. You honestly don't need subtitles for that scene because you know exactly what she is saying. Hugo, Richard, and etc know that she doesn't care about the BIG picture. You honestly can't blame her because all they care about is being together and going home. Yet, to have their daughter we all know their destiny belongs to the island. To make sure Ji Yeon lives then they are going to have to make scarifices *sniff*. More on that later. Alas, when Sun clocked herself in the head with a tree who didn't feel that lol.
Sun, Jack, & Memories - Who didn't feel nostalgic when watching Jack and Sun's scenes? I know I did because I know there is only six weeks left of this show. We may not see these two like this again. Who knows but I just loved it. Seeing Jack talking to Sun in her garden to Jack giving Sun medical reasoning and advise. Man, it was S1-S3 all over again and I loved it. The memories were for me as a viewer from their scenes to seeing Room 23 again. Gawd, I just love Jack in this episode and he's still setting out his promise of getting Sun and Jin off the island. The problem is it's going to be out of his hands (more on that later). Anyways, the discussion on the beach was so heartwarming from Sun's notes to Jack giving Sun exactly what she needed. Jack is quite the candiate for Jacob's job because if you think about he's has done it majority of his life. He loves to fix things. The same goes for Hugo. If anyone was to have Jacob's job, then I would be quite happy if Jack or Hugo got the job.
Richard's Plan, Miles, & Frank - I knew Richard would be back, but I was happier because it proved Ilana's faith in Jacob. I'm glad IIana doesn't fully trust Ben because it would be emotionally unrealistic for her to be, but that said her banter with Ben was pricless lol (e.g. "your talking"). So they are going to destory the plane, but they aren't aware of Widmore's sub either. So there are two ways off this island, but considering Sawyer is now scared I bet he will go on Team Jacob now to save him and his friends' lives. Remember Sawyer has no idea that MiB wants him dead along with the rest of the candiates. That said I loved seeing Richard all motivated and leadership-like hehe. Man, without Miles and Frank this episode would be too serious lol. I just love their deadpan lines, such as "this is your fault isn't" to "hey, don't talk about bacon" lol.
The War Officially Begins & Desmond Returns - It's nice to know Widmore actually had a time table, but that's all to shot now since they need Jin's help (since he was there in Dharma 1970s) to find the pockets of energy. That's why they need Desmond because he is The Constant afterall. When you have two sides that hate each other and a war is going to come the war is bound to happen. Just like two kids fighting on the playground. Until it happens things will just get build up until it explodes. The MiB wants to go home and to do that he needs to get off the island. To do that he needs kill all of Jacob's candiates. I'm glad he failed with the Kwons for the time being, but he stills needs the rest of them and he is going to use expendable Kate to do it. MiB basically gave Claire the okay to kill Kate after he has all the candiates. You know that's not going to happen until the finale. Kate and Claire will live to see the finale, but the flashsideways are showing that Sun may not make it to the finale. Charles Widmore gave the most important information in this episode when he told Jin "if he gets off the island, your daughter, my daughter, everyone we know and love will cease to be". MiB will basically destory everything just like Jacob told Richard back in 1867. Sayid is completely empty. He feels nothing but yet he's reflecting on the fact he doesn't feel. I'm still in a tad bit of denial, but the more he acts this way and follows orders of the MiB without question then he is completely claimed.
Jin's Moment - While Jin didn't have much to do on the island he still has one of the most emotional scenes in the episode. When he saw his daughter for the first time *sniff*. He was able to see her birthday, interaction with his wife, and playing with the dog Jin gave to Sun so many years ago. Who didn't get teary eyed after seeing this scene? I surely did I couldn't help it, and when Widmore spoke of Penny and how he was separated from her it just made it even more touching. Even though Jin and Sun want to be together they merely can't because they have to same the world. If they don't, then Ji Yeon and everyone else will perish
Worlds Continue To Merge - I know Sun saw herself in the mirror, just like AU!Sawyer did in "Recon", but I don't think she is the Kwon candiate. Sun was shot in the flashsideways, and we know flashsideways and actual timeline are bleeding together. Some things just don't change. Some things are just meant to be no matter what. What if Sun was speaking Korean not because of her head injury, but because the worlds are bleeding together. Remember when Juliet was going in and out between the two worlds in "LA X" that's what I think is happening to Sun now. So I think Sun will sadly die (hopefully after Sun and Jin reunite) which would just fuel Jin to avenge his wife and save his daughter. Far as we know the world probably believes everyone on Flight 316 perished into the ocean, and the Oceanic 6 can't escape their fates (yes I know that sounds like Final Destination). So Ji Yeon wll be raised by her grandparents, but at least her parents saved her to live a long happy life.
Overall, the episode was quite enjoyable and progressed things along quite well. Looking forward to Desmond's story because knowing his constant ways we will be seeing a lot a LOT of cameos. Man, I can't wait because it's something to look forward to when I got back to the grind next week.
btw, I'm glad I at least watched this episode at the official website because the V countdown on the bottom of the screen is quite annoying. I mean look that the caps. OH VAY!! One of my friends was so frustrated because he couldn't exactly read Sun's notes to Jack well and the letter was distracting when Jin was looking at the pictures of his daughter.