I would have to say season three is my favorite season thus far. The show really felt like a well oiled machine that continued to get better and better as it went along. I also loved how the cinematography, action sequences, and visual effects went up several notches which added this great graphic novel texture to the show. However, sadly I wouldn't call it a perfect season though. I felt the second half of the season was pretty mixed with too many Will Zimmerman stand alone episodes. Other than that I really enjoyed what the season showed in regards to Helen, The Five, Biggie, Kate, Henry, quest to Hollow Earth, and introducing my favorite villain Adam Worth. It was really interesting to go deeper insides these characters, relationships, and storylines. A part of me kinda wished the season wouldn't end hehe.
Favorite Episodes: "Kali Pt. 3", "Bank Job", "Trail of Blood", "Animus", "Breach", "For King & Country", "The Hollow Men", "Pax Romana", "Hangover", "Awakening", "Normandy", "Carentan", & "Out of the Blue"
So-So Decent Episodes: "Firewall", "Vigilante", "Metamorphosis", & "Into the Black"
Least Favorite Episodes: "Hero II: Broken Arrow", "One Night", & "Wingman" -- "Hero II" was pretty mixed to me. On one side I really enjoyed seeing the return of my favorite guest star. However, I felt it floundered when it went into Kate's storyline *shrugs*. It's like the episode couldn't tell what it really wanted to be about, or it just couldn't present multiple storylines. "One Night" was just downright boring, and showed Will Zimmerman and/or Robin Dunne can't carry his own episode. Will is okay when an episode is about himself, but it has to heavily include the rest of the cast as well to work. Similar to what happened in "Metamorphosis", but that wasn't the case in regards to "One Night". I did enjoy Amanda's cinematography though especially in the crane shot throughout the city. "Wingman" was just an ill conceived clip show that just didn't work, and at this point in the season there were too much Will episodes in a row for me to take!!
Favorite Storylines: There were several I really enjoyed....
*I loved all of the mythology, anthropology, and science of the patients and Abnormal of the Week studies.
*John Druitt aka Jack the Ripper -- There wasn't much of John in this season, but what we did see of him left me quite content. He is still battling his hitchhiker which leads to some troublesome decisions in the second half of the season. Honestly, most of John's development occurs in the section below....
*Helen Magnus & John Druitt Torrid Love Story -- John's development this season was far more ship-centric this time. We finally get into the gritty of the Helen and John's dysfunctional relationship. The season showed some great John and Helen moments especially in "For King & Country", "Vigilante", and "Into The Black". In "For King & Country" there were some great moments, but my personal favorite was when Helen brought John back from his drug-induced abyss. Who's heart didn't tug a string when Helen fell asleep in John's arms? It was a moment Helen would never let see John see, but it was enough for a viewer to show this inner emotional struggle Helen always has with her infamous ex. Plus it showed how lonely and scared Helen was. The rest of the moments in that episode showed how dark John was in the late 1880's. It's weird how in the past I want John to stay away from Helen, and then the next I want them together in the present. It's quite confusing as a viewer sometimes haha. Go to "Vigilante" you have these great team-up moments between Helen and John on the quest to find the Hollow Earth keystone. For instance, falling into the hole on each other and laughing with one another, John telling Helen to relax and watch a sunset with him, and Helen asking John to take her to London. There were many more, but those were the moments that I really enjoyed. I loved the banter between them because John is concern for Helen, but Helen will not take her illness lying down. It was interesting to see them not at odds with each other. Alas, when you jump to the season finale "Into the Black" it is a whole other story.
In "Into the Black" it is revealed the depths John will go to be with Helen, and it just broke my heart. I agree with John that Helen is a hypocrite in regards to John's blood lust, however; Helen was right about the time travelling argument. In the end, I understood and agree with Helen because John is pretty much saying the person Helen is today is meaningless. Helen is a stronger person compared to the person she was in the late 1800's. Considering what Helen has been through during the 150+ years is going to change a person. Helen is still the lovely, compassionate person, but she is just far more wise, experienced, practical, logical, and at times cynical because she has been around the block several hundred times. Heck, I would've been just as pissed as Helen. Plus then there are the lives that will be changed and/or lost because of The Five and Helen's Sanctuaries would be lost forever. 'Cause who's to say that The Five could help save the world during World War 2. We've heard too many instances where Helen, Nikola, and Watson have helped the Allies in defeating the Axis Powers. So John was willing to pretty much destroy the world just because he wanted Helen to be more acceptable to him. Yet, I love that they can be directly honest with each other because when these two argue it is so compelling to watch as a viewer. I'm glad John was willing to risk his own sanity to save the world in the end. So my last question is John dead? He couldn't teleport that deep and weak. I hope we get to see John again next season because as I always say Christopher is a talented man, and he has MAD chemistry with Amanda!!
*Werewolf Henry Foss -- I was really happy to see more of an increase with Henry's character. It was really cool to see more werewolves like Henry, and how he influenced them to not be afraid of who they really are. Ryan just has this natural quality to him that just makes him adorable. I loved seeing more of a dramatic side to his character throughout the season because normally he is the talented comedic relief. So it was cool to see Henry in these drama scenes whether it be about his own relationship with Erika, or making sure his friends are safe and well. I would've liked to see more of Henry's relationship with Erika because the whole proposal thing was quite fast even for Henry's character. I felt there should've been a built up to that after the Hollow Earth arc. 'Cause Ryan and Pauline really did have a great natural chemistry with each other. I hope just because Henry and Erika broke up we will see her again. They are just too good together not to be together. I also enjoyed seeing Henry's relationships with Helen because afterall he has been under her care since he was a young pup. It was really nice to see Helen console Henry after his proposal was rejected without going over the top with it. Similar to Henry's reaction and concern for Helen when she was sick. It was just nice to finally see this mother and son bond between both of these characters. I continue to enjoy Henry's friendship with Nikola!! There is a great respect for one another that now goes both ways. Nikola has become more humbling, and his mentorship for Henry is finally being shown. It's one of the reasons I just loved their scenes in "For King & Country". I hope we continue to see more of these two together in season four.
*Rest of the Supporting Cast: Bigfoot, Kate, & Nikola Tesla -- It took two seasons, but Bigfoot finally got his own storyline and bit of a backstory. I really enjoyed the storyline of Bigfoot's investigation into Father Jenson's murder. It was interesting to see Biggie get the lead in an investigation. However, it was sad to see him become the "monster" the Murdering Priest had said he was. I kinda wished he didn't kill the murderer because it pretty much proved the murderer was right. Yet, he did threaten Helen's life and that is enough to put Biggie over the edge. As we know Biggie is very protective of his family especially with people that are kind to him. So while a part me wish he didn't kill him I understood why, and I liked that Bigfoot said he shouldn't have done it. It is something Father Jenson has taught him not to do. I guess Bigfoot isn't arrested because I could see the rest of the characters saying it was self-defense. Bigfoot had a great beginning, but it was definitely lacking in the second half where there was too much Will Zimmerman.
Kate really didn't have much storyline in season three because of the other storylines. Kate's journey was about becoming more a part of the Sanctuary team. Showing that she does have people that care about her, and show her former criminals that if anything happens to her they will have people coming after them. I really enjoyed her interaction with the team because she has a different relationship with everyone. Heck, her moments with Will are the few times where I can enjoy his character haha. I really enjoyed how she saved a young child in "Kali Pt. 3", her leadership in "Bank Job", and the craziness of "Hangover". In fact, "Hangover" is a fun episode period!! "Bank Job" really showed why Kate comes in handy as a part of the team. Considering how much valid introduction screentime Kate received last season it was only right to see her with a breather season. It was still nice to see her involved in the team episodes. It really made those team episodes gelled well.
Nikola Tesla continues to be one of my favorites ever in the series!! Jonathan Young continues to impress me time and time again. It was great to see Nikola become this humble guy due to his devamping, Hollow Earth technology, and also being reprimanded by Helen for going after a Cabal research facility. Nikola has to suck it up and actually admit how wrong he is on many things. It was really cool character development because the Nikola we see in season three isn't the same one from season one. It was so funny seeing Nikola trying to get to Hollow Earth, but constantly being told he has to stay at the Sanctuary for whatever reason. I'm really glad to have Nikola vamped again because it gives me a bit more flare. A total plus he gets to kept his magnetism because those are still neat tricks too. I just continue to enjoy anything and everything about Nikola, so I can go all day about this guy. Alas, onto the shipper part of his journey....
*Helen Magnus & Nikola Tesla Goes Beyond Flirtation!! -- While I love Helen's relationships with John and Watson I truly loved seeing Helen and Nikola's relationship develop. Helen is now becoming more noticeable in her feelings towards him. Whether it be he keeps things interesting to saving his life in "Awakening", flirtations, or jealousy when the Queen Vamp awoken. They both drive each other nuts, but they totally love each other. It's just Helen has a lot of baggage, and Nikola is well Nikola haha. So I'm hoping there is more Nikola and Helen interaction in the following season because it looks like Helen is having a much needed break from John. These two are just two adorable together form the way they care for one another to their witty teasing banter ("thank you Dobby" hehe). My favorite moments would have to be from "Trail of Blood", "Animus", "For King & Country", "Awakening", and the deleted scene where Nikola threatens Adam if he ever harms Helen again. Jonathan and Amanda have this really fun chemistry with each other that goes right into their characters' personalities.
*The Five Back in the Past -- One thing I'm grateful for having a longer season is allowing two flashback episodes in the origin story of Adam Worth and travelling back to Normandy in World War 2. I'm a huge fan of flashback episodes because it is fun to see everything in set periods and the actors able to journey back to where their characters were younger.
In "For King & Country" it is was fun to see The Five when they were young and arrogant. They don't have the 150+ years of experiences and pain. Helen is softer, but you tell in the flashforward within that episode she gets rougher after what happened with John and Adam. It could just be me, but I felt there was a transition where Helen starts to get her rougher edge to her. She has to become stronger considering what happened to John in White Chapel, and then she is the one that has all this guilt surrounding Adam. So it was neat to see that transition in the flashback. In regards, to John, Nigel, and Watson they were pretty much the same way we've have seen except John has a bit more of a rougher murderous edge to him. It was great to finally see Nigel casted, and it's always squee-worthy to see Watson in any episode. Whereas, Tesla has an accent to him (150+ years throws it out the window) along with side glances towards Helen. Tesla doesn't openly flirt with Helen like we are used to. He is far more reserved, but I swear there were moments where I thought there were glances between these two characters sometimes. The episode also showed how Nigel and John got away with their crimes, and how Nikola, Helen, and Watson continued their contributions to society along with getting financial funding. It was government blackmail at its best. They were pretty much coerced into helping out the British government in stopping Adam. Thus, beginning The Five's work in helping governments with local, national, and international affairs. Any way you look at the situation it wasn't so great for The Five and there were regrets, but a lot of positives came out of it. I also feel this episode foreshadowed even more that the government entanglements within the Sanctuary Network and Abnormals are just going to get worse in the present time.
Meanwhile, "Normandy" has to be one of the best episodes in the series!! The writing by Damian Kindler, directing by Martin Wood, acting, and crew were on the top of their A game. Everything was so realistic and also fit into the Sanctuary universe as well. In fact, it reminded me a bit of my Marvel comics that involve Captain America and Wolverine, or episodes of Grimm that I love. Where you have this supernatural element that involves real life events. I loved the whole look of the show. It was interesting to see how The Five was helping the Allies to win the war. Throughout the past three seasons we've been hearing name drops and dates from Helen and the rest of the characters, so it was excellent to see a payoff in some of those name drops. I thought it was cool to have The Five split up in various parts doing what they do best. Helen coordinating the plan, Watson developing the gadget, Tesla figuring out the mole, Nigel in his spy mode, and John doing what he does best. Despite my dislike for Will I really enjoyed his grandfather Captain Jack Zimmerman. He didn't whine, complain, or went too overboard with his questions. He went down to business and got the job done. All of them were pretty excellent in what they do. It was interesting to see how their strengths influenced what happened in Normandy. Btw, the special effects were amazing especially when they showed the Allied fleet going to France, and the music was breathtaking!! I was really blown away about this episode. At first I thought it was going to be a stand alone episode, but in fact it wasn't. To see how the fire elemental being buried is one of the reasons why the time dilation field affected Carentan which was started by the season's major baddie Adam Worth. The show just did an amazing job with "Normandy", and the bonus was that it involved The Five.
*Quest for Hollow Earth & Praxis -- Since I was a child my father has been into Jules Verne, so I always been interested in the concept of Hollow Earth. I just loved the whole quest to find Hollow Earth, and how it intertwined in the advanced city of Praxis. I liked how there was a connection from the Kali storyline to the Hollow Earth storyline through the means of Gregory Magnus, and from there seeing this most excellent, interactive map of Praxis. The virtual interactive map of Praxis was so cool!! I just loved seeing Helen and Nikola work on it for weeks on end. One of the reasons I felt the Hollow Earth storyline worked so well is because it involved so many storylines: saving Gregory, healing Helen, how it connected to Adam's endgame, origin story of Abnormals, saving Praxis, and it was a team effort by everyone. It just involved so many things and I loved every minute of it. I thought it was neat to have Hollow Earth connected to the origins of Abnormals, and the fight with vampires prior to their extinction. I wish we could have seen more of Praxis in the second half, but I liked how it set-up season four.
*Adam Worth is the Best Villain EVER!! -- Hands down Ian Tracy and his character Adam Worth has to be the best Sanctuary villain ever!! This guy is a genius who can peg his enemies and predict their reactions and decisions in his little chess game. From the moment he showed up behind the scenes in "Firewall" he has been playing everyone like tool from hoping Helen would travel within the field to causing Abnormal distractions from his ultimate plan of time travel. I was totally geeking out over the time travel because within the sci-fi/fantasy genre time travelling is one of my all time favorite concepts. I also really loved that the motive of Adam's whole plan during season three was saving his daughter from cancer. Here is this guy who clearly loves his daughter, and he is willing to destroy the timeline and the world to do it. Btw, Ian had great chemistry with The Five cast. His interaction was completely different with every single one of them. In fact, he is a fine actor period! I can see why Ian Tracey became such a big name after this season.
I thought it was genius to introduce another famous literacy character of Jekyll and Hyde. Ian Tracy did a beautiful job that left me in awe. I heard this character was developed during the development of "Breach", and setting up the season three villain. I really loved the subtle transitions of Adam's two personalities. The logical, scientific Adam speaks Scottish while rash, angry Hyde speaks British. I really like that the two personalities were explained by a mental breakdown from the death of Adam's daughter. It wasn't that of injections like previous interpretations. Plus I thought it was wise to point out The Five wouldn't even register a psychological disorder because during the late 1800's all the way to the 1960's there wasn't much in medical breakthroughs in the field of psychology.
However, I think it should be noted long before Adam's mental breakdown he was formulating the deadly toxin. Helen saw what Adam was working on on the Oxford building wall, and he even yelled at her for no apparent reason. These two incidents alone showed that Adam, even logical calm Adam, can't be trusted and has his own darkside within him. So who's to say if his daughter lived if he didn't cause more mayhem. Even Watson referenced a building being burned down due to Adam's radical experiments. The Five just happened to be caught up in Adam's drama, and was either directly or indirectly pushed him further to the edge. In the end, it was Adam that continued his murderous ways. Despite having good intentions to save his daughter he still didn't care how it would effect the world's timeline. Overall, Adam Worth was a fully three dimensional character that I hope stays around for a bit during season four. He is just so awesome!!
*The Sanctuary Network's Failed Mutiny, & Possible Government Takeover -- I really loved how Wexford was shut down in "Kali Pt.3" by everyone at the end of the episode. He went all Jurassic Park on Helen, and she was all "bloody hell look at yourself" hehe. The icing on the cake is seeing all the heads of Sanctuary booting Wexford out since he shot down a civilian ship, nearly killed Helen, and made the Big Bertha problem worse. His power greed did more harm than good. I wonder if we will see Wexford again? 'Cause he now has an agenda against Helen. Declan was just the man during the whole failed mutiny closure. You can clearly see how much he thinks fondly of Helen and her role in her own network. I just continue to love his relationship with Helen. It's to the point now Helen's nickname for Declan has to rhyme with "cheeky" hehe.
Considering all that went wrong with Abnormals it is reasonable to see more government interference involving Abnormals and the Sanctuary Network. It's a concept I've seen time and time again involving sci-fi/fantasy, and I've always enjoyed it. It's always great to see a mesh between realism and supernatural fiction. Plus there is a great series continuity since the government has been shifty with the Sanctuary Network all the way back in season two. There is a great continuity about it, and I'm curious to see what happens in season four. I just don't see Helen having much headway considering what is happening from the aftermath of Praxis to Adam's endgame plan. Helen has the experience and knowledge, but at this time the governments don't care. They want to do what they want to do regardless to save their kind even if that means to be intolerable to other races. It's a concept that has sadly been seen in historical events for eons. It's sad to witness, but I do love how historically accurate Sanctuary is in regards to this storyline. Btw, a big bonus for bringing Tom McBeath aka Stargate's Colonel Maybourne representing the military aspect of this storyline!!
*Helen Magnus' Engima Continues to Shed Her Layers -- One of the reasons I loved season three so much is because we got to go deeper inside Helen's psychie and past. You get to see Helen badass, vulnerable, emotional, and all other ranges of emotions. She is still very much an engima, however; I feel at this point as a viewer I'm understanding her more and more. Helen is still quite a complicated character and Amanda Tapping continues to impress!! "Breach" has to be one of my favorite episodes because I love seeing my favorite characters with their backs to the wall. Helen is being attacked, but she is no damsel in distress. She tries to solve the problem even though there are dramatic results to her health. The whole episode was beautifully directed by Martin Wood, written by Damien Kindler, and performances by Amanda and Ian. It's a very simple bottled episode, however; it is one of the best in the series.
I really loved how the aftermath of that episode. Now it is the boys turn to make sure Helen is okay, and of course she is not one to laying down crying in pain. She is clearly in pain, and the radiation effects are becoming more noticeable. Helen tries to brush it off, but she just can't especially in her facial expressions throughout "Vigilante". You just see a lot of vulnerability from Helen which is something she doesn't show often since she has such a wall around herself. To see how everything was affecting her throughout the season was something to see. Whether it be her regret involving Adam to a part of her not having the burden of responsibilities. Helen carries a lot of the weight of the world, guilt, and responsibility. No one told her she had to do it, but she felt she had to because her father's belief was an admirable one to continue. It was really interesting to see in going inside Helen's emotional and mental state. As it was seeing Helen become this mother hen to everyone else hehe. As Helen once said in the season one finale "she is surrounded by" teenagers haha. This was the case in the "Hangover" episode by trying to stop everyone from hurting each other. Helen had a terrific season, and I felt it showed a lot of progression in regards to her character. Helen had to allow people to help her, and that is something she's just not used to doing. I can't wait to see what happens next for Helen in season four!! How in the heck will she stop Adam? How will she return to the present? Does this mean we get to see Watson again? *fansqueels* I can't wait!!
Btw, I loved how we got to hear Amanda's Americanized voice in "Bank Job" and Gary Jones' character commenting how he knew the British accent was fake hehe. I swear I thought I could see some smirks between Gary and Amanda during some these scenes.
Misc. Hated Aspects: Even though I really enjoyed the third season I felt the show could've been better because due Will, Abby, and too many standalone episodes.....
*Dr. Will Zimmerman -- Sorry, for any Robin Dunne fans out there, but I was frankly getting bored with his character during the second half of the season. Don't get me wrong Robin Dunne is great during interviews and panels, however; the character is still downright annoying to me. Will continues to state the obvious by recapping everything that happens within the episode. I don't know why this has to happen? Will continues to increase his passive aggressive behavior. I swear if he goes up a notch on this behavior he will be irredeemable to me as a viewer. Now I do enjoy those group episodes where Will is involved with the rest of the characters. The rest of the characters do make him enjoyable, however; I have noticed there are moments within these episodes where Will is still annoying. For instance, in the "Hangover" Will was downright cruel to Henry. Considering Will is suppose to be "smarter" than Henry in psychological issues it made him look like a big jerk when he totally trashed Henry's lab, and yelled at his friends/co-workers. I honestly expected more of a cool head from him in this instance, but instead he looked like a little boy. Which is something Adam Worth even pointed out to him on a regular basis hehe.
Alas, then there were moments were Will carried a superior judgemental attitude to anyone that was around him, such as in "For King & Country" and "Pax Romana". Now Will is suppose to be a shrink, and that pretty much went out the window this season. He carried judgements on everyone and anyone. In "For King & Country" he yelled at Helen for lying to him and what happened to Adam in the late 1800's. For goodness sakes Will doesn't tell Helen everything as it is, and I don't recall Will him asking Helen a backstory on the funding of the Sanctuary came from. Plus Helen didn't kill Adam. She shot him in the arm to take him in for his crimes, but Adam rather go the melodramatic way out. Furthermore, The Five were pretty much blackmailed to do the bidding of the British government, and Helen did say she regretted doing it. If Will was such a friend he should've supported her!! He could've tactfully disagreed with what went down with Adam, but it was Adam that jumped off the cliff. She didn't technically kill him. Then Will should've supported Helen. I was proud of Helen in challenging back at him for his insults.
In "Pax Romana" Will came off like he knew and understood Adam. Granted I know Helen noted this to the Praxis' officials, but I felt it was a huge writing mistake in the end. Will said he was going to reason with Adam, but ummm how can you reason with a person who just views you as a littie boy (which he has been acting like this season!!)? Adam wasn't going to talk to Will whatsoever especially when Will confronted him with the police and weapons. It was just poorly written, but it did sadly fit Will's superior behavior throughout these past two seasons. As stated before if Will continues to get worse he will be the most despised tv character I have ever watched. Alas, that is saying something because I don't normally despise fictional characters.
*Too Forced & Too Quickly: Abby Corrigan -- While I think Pascal Hutton has an endearing quality to her I just couldn't get behind Abby. Not all of it was Hutton's fault, but moreso on the writing. Seriously, while the directing of "One Night" was great the episode suffered greatly from the writing and acting. It was just downright boring. The moment Abby showed up it was obvious that she was filling this love interest void for Will, but sadly Abby got more screentime then Erika. I felt Erika needed an equal amount or more since she was introduced beginning of the season. It's just Abby doesn't work because the writing was obvious and too quick for me as a viewer. Plus I found it disrespectful to have her come into Helen's office with only a shirt on, and even then that felt a bit out of character for her. If they continue Abby on this route I'm afraid she will be just as boring as Will.
*Too Many Will Zimmerman Standalone Episodes -- The only rough spot during this season was all the Will Zimmerman standalone episodes after the "Hangover" and before "Awakening" is where the season loses itself. I was hoping "Wingman" would be decent because it also showed Henry and Erika, but in the end Will got more screentime than Henry. There was just too much Will episodes straight in a row. After I watched the season I noticed from the online community this was a major complaint as well. I love standalone episodes especially when they rotate within the cast. After the great team Hollow Earth episodes and Helen's storyline I was hoping Biggie, John, Kate, Henry, and Nikola would get some individual storylines. I'm glad Nikola and Kate did, but poor Biggie, John, and Henry were pushed to the wayside. I wished there was an actual rotation of the supporting cast during that breathing time before "Normandy". I just hope this will not be the case during season four.
Favorite Couples & Potential Couples: Helen/John, Helen/Tesla, Helen/Watson, Ravi/Kate, & Erika/Henry
Favorite Friendships and/or Fremies: The Five, Helen/Bigfoot, Team Sanctuary, Bigfoot/Henry, Tesla/Henry, Henry/Kate, Declan/Helen, Helen/Tesla, Bigfoot/Kate, Ravi/Kate, Ravi/Helen, Helen/Kate, Edward/Helen, Gregory/Helen, & Ranna/Helen
Favorite Characters: Telsa, Helen, John, Bigfoot, Henry, Kate, Declan, Ravi, Nigel, Watson, Edward Forsythe, Erika, Gregory Magnus, George, Cainan, Kali, Lilian Lee, Captain Jack Zimmerman, & Ranna
Mixed Characters: Abby
Can't Stand Characters: Will
Favorite Villains: Wexford, Adam Worth, bounty hunter, source blood centipedes, basilisk, Afina, Colonel Kobra, Masquerading Priest, & Thelo
Least Favorite Villains: None
Most Tragic Deaths: Ravi's death in "Carentan" was so sad *sniff*. I was always fond of Ravi, and his interaction with Kate and Helen. I was sad to see him go the way he did. I'm glad he got the hero death, but it doesn't make it any less sad. Ravi's death is tied to the noble deaths in "Normandy". Martin Wood and the editor did such a terrific job at showing the heroism of the French Resistance and Allied troops. I was happy to hear on the audio commentary that they made sure anyone that was killed during the episode was shown into frame. Everytime I see the last quote in "Normandy" I cry. Needless to say I watched "Normandy" multiple times because it was that good, and its still just as sad *sniff*.
What did you think of the season in general? As I already stated I really enjoyed this season despite the middle road bump in the middle of the season. The season was really good at addressing the origins of Abnormals, The Five, Adam Worth, and funding Sanctuary Network. Plus the show did an amazing job at going deeper into the characters of Helen, Biggie, Henry, John, and Nikola. Overall, the season was entertaining, fun, and very compelling. I thought the cinematography, special effects, and music were all kicked up a notch even further. The show is hit its stride during season three. I hope it continues in the fourth season. Btw, I loved seeing former Stargate alumni Peter Fleming, Gary Jones, Peter DeLuise, and Tom McBeath on my screen again!! I'm looking forward how the show works out their season three cliffhangers. I'm really looking forward to see what Helen does in 1898 London *fansqueels*.