New Year's Bucket List Challenge

Jan 01, 2013 11:06

I don't do resolutions-- most people don't keep them anyway.  But the idea is good, and most people want to try new things and improve themselves. So, I'm challenging my friends to fill out this "bucket list" for themselves and strive to do 13 things in the year 2013. That's only a bit more than one a month-- we can do it! If you don't like the categories, make them fit your lifestyle, but please share them! I'm curious!

My List:

1. A new skill I will learn: how to make Granny squares.

2. A skill I have that I will improve: playing the ukulele

3. A new food I will try: buffalo/bison

4. A food I will learn to cook myself: pie crust

5.  A food I will try to eat less of: potato chips

6.  A book I will read: "Pride and Prejudice" (Believe it or not, I've never gotten through it)

7.  A classic movie I will finally watch:  Duck Soup

8. A physical challenge I will undertake: Get back on a bike

9. An improvement to my home I will attempt: framing and hanging pictures

10. A game I will learn to play: Cribbage

11. A tourist attraction I will visit this year: "The Museums of Old York"

12. A world issue I will learn more about: Darfur

13. A way I will make the world better:  I will finally dig out all my old glasses and donate them
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