Jul 07, 2007 23:28
Ooo.. NCIS goodness tonight. Up to season 2 atm, latest episode 'Doppelganger' so full of kate/abby goodness. First of course there are the mentions of various 'supergirls' abby could be, with abby saying wonderwomen.. but Kate saying "she always preferred Xena" and i mean come on.. everyone knows thats always code for you know what =P Then of course when Gibbs takes all the boys out to a scene, he leaves Kate to man the phones and abby to process crime scene evidence.. and abby tells kate that it's okay, kate can just transfer calls through to the lab and they can have a girls night in. Whist doing this of course she grabs kate's hand with a huge smile and half bounces/drags her off to the lab.. oh yeah.. and abby got shitty at McGee.. got to love that.. sometimes i wonder if i hate the character of McGee so much because he is whiney and spineless, letting everyone walk over him and has no personality except for being a nerd... or whether i just don't like that he has a maintext 'relationship' of sorts with abby... but still... random subtext relationships that don't involve him do give me a nice little warm feeling inside (and no.. not in a dirty way you perves)
oh and whats with all the stupid grey stills they have at what i assume are the break intervals now.. it just feels so tacky..