May 14, 2007 03:19
So i started watching Star Trek: Enterprise, it's fun in a brainless kinda way =)
slashtastic moment so far, was episode 14 (it was the first sort of in your face kind of thing, there may have been more subtle ones before but eh whatever) anyway episode 1.14 "sleeping dogs" stuck on a sinking ship (sinking into high pressure gas giant) but for some reason t'pol and hoshi are in there skimpy space suit undersuits, slightly sweaty from all the trying to fix said sinking ship anyway the official description of the scene reads something like this.
As Hoshi's anxiety rises, T'Pol takes her hand and guides her through a mental exercise that calms her down. But then the ship shudders as the hull begins to buckle.
hoshi is sitting on a bench and t'pol looks all concerned at her getting anxious and kneels down in front of her when she takes her hand and starts doing this two finger rubbing thing on the center of hoshi's palm. anyway, the script went something like this.
Hoshi: eyes closed sorta meditative "that feels amazing..."
T'pol: "when we get back to the ship, i'll show you how to do it on your own"
it just made me giggle, this was followed by the end of the episode with those two and malcolm sitting in decontamination (funky room with a bench and glowy blue light) the last time we saw the decontamination chamber t'pol and captain archer were rubbing gel over eachother.. i assume it's a standard decontamination thing. but of course to be in this decontamination, boys wear tight shorts, and girl wear tight short shorts and middrift singlet tops. at one point Hoshi just turns and looks at T'pol and gives her this look, while she's licking her lips and i'm just like *big fangirl eyes*
but anyway, thats my fangirl rant for the night =P
star trek: enterprise,