Yakima first impressions.

Nov 04, 2008 18:29

Not so cold, but not so friendly. Plenty of flashing red and blue lights, though.
Within an hour of my arrival, I was pulled over for a broken tail light and then also ticketed for additional petty car-related crap. The police officer who issued the little pieces of paper stating my violations was on his first night out. A trainee stood watch the whole time. Lucky me.

That the opportunity existed was definitely my fault-- Bad tabs and lights out certainly fall under the "things I need to learn to take care of" category. This goes double if I'm going to work a job that separates me from normal life so completely...

But the timing couldn't have been more irritating.

Another person in the production crew was in the car with me at the time. Only a little embarrassed about that. (...and, this was just the first part of this story... it got even better, but you only need a soundbite to understand the evening...)
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