thanksgiving was bomb
fuck dood i hate eating but i love food
thanksgiving night went tew santa barbara
with jackie and krystal and jenn
stayed till sunday
HAWT BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!! damn good.
thursday- high like woahhhh doggie.
friday- drunk x's 50
saturday- high x's 20
sunday- high high
didnt take much pictures till sunday night
too fucked up the whole time
oh well.
here all i could take in about 20 min.
state street
random shit
comment hoes.
jenn gets dressed in the middle of the street
theres alot of these in sb.
real as fuck statues (spelling?)
gold? or something?
old tellie booth. + good pic of jenn
real turtles at the resturant we ate
mmm bomb pussy food
real man? jenn does old guys? nope & no.
real? nahh nahh.
cool thingy sign shit on the floor
cute shit. old times
lots of bums in sb. scary
this baby look like it was enjoying itself. naked.
new bra.
36F.. your kidding!
nope. i wish i was
its beginning tew look alot like christmas!!
too lazy tew resize pictures
lame pictures.. oh well
im gunna unpack and sleep in my own bed
fuck yea
<<33 good shit.
MAC makeup. should have some pics tomorrow.