so jackie and krystal came down wednesday (jick and krick) <3
i love them and miss them alot
always alot of laughs with them
krick made us "pretty ice cream"
hung out with john at like midnight on jenns roof <3
we've been hanging out with seth and jason and jamison and nick alot <33
thats always funn and tons of laughs with them.. funny boys
cant help but take pictures of jasons but its great. mhm
there band is good and i like watching then play
we all got drunk last night.
seans annoying. we hung out with him too. uhm ew.
stalker and annoying is all i haffta say yeah bye.
wen tew boomers. hello kitty dildo girl okay.
yeah jamison got into an accident
and i feel horrible <<33 im sorry james.
jason two steps everywhere. lol
yea thats all
i need tew remember tew bring my camera more places.
looks like another night at seths and this time im bringing my camera.
bye people. <33