Here's a few odds and ends, lol.
Write 15 things about 15 separate people, but don't name them unless you want to. They can be things you were too shy to tell people, things you wish you could tell them or things you hate about them.
-I am terrified of actually telling you how I feel about you.
-I wish you would let me get on with my life
-I honestly wish I had nothing to do with you
-Sometimes, you tend to outstay you're welcome at home
-I really hate the way you treat my friend, but can't tell you because she loves you
-I used to think you were a bitch, but now I am thankful for you being here
-Your boyfriend doesn't love you- and I'm loving it
-I wish you hadn't lost interest so soon
-You're a pathetic fucking cunt and I hate you
-When I said I loved you the other night I don't think I really meant it as much as I could have
-Your music taste is shit!
-You are one of my biggest inspirations
-I wish you wern't such a fucking charv
-I wish I knew you better before it happened
-I hope you rot in hell
And also, here's a picture!
For all you guys on my friends list I might post another picture, let's see if I can be arsed...