Well, today's been complete shit. I can't really be arsed to explain it all, but if you want me to tell you about anything in the following bullet points, ask away in a comment:
- Apparently there have been some "attempted abductions" happening near where I live, so my over protective mam probably won't let me walk down to the bus stop on Saturday- even though no fucking peado murderer person will be up at about 10.00 I bet, since they wait till kids are at school and shit
- I'm so fuckin sick of everyone going on at me :( If it's not my mam picking random fights she knows she'll lose, it's Mr fucking Stanley, who I now officially hate. "Mel, you took the last 2days off school, I don't think messing about now will help you". "Mel, take your glove off", "Mel, is there any reason why there is a spelling mistake in this sentence?". Yes. A fucking spelling mistake. Big fuckin w00p. Bastard.
- Charvs suck big hairy monkey balls
- Going shopping soon- need to hand in the CDs that are weeks overdue, buy a camera, buy lauren's bday present, and add any other random things to the shopping trolley. And then get told off for it, no doubt.
- I saw Dean walking home on his own before- I hope he got hit by a bus.