¬¬¬Hope and Fall¬¬¬

Jun 04, 2006 14:02

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..

.. all in one day.

*~*The Best of Times*~*

Well, we went to the Green Fest yesterday. And yes, really, this should have been described as shit, but it wasn't so bad at the same time.. better than sitting on the green all day anyways. We didn't really do a lot, just hung out at shit, but whatever. Kaz and I planned to have a go on the rowing boats, which would have been really nice and ((slightly)) romantinc, and we waited in the que for about 20-30 minutes before realising when they said £2.50, they meant per person, and we didn't have enough >=[ But still, it wasn't so bad I guess.

*~*The Worst of Times

But behind every ray of light, there is a big, black raincloud behind... two, to be precise. The first one being everyone fighting over where the hell I was to sleep yesterday night. I was only planning on sleeping at Lauren's house firstly, but then Kaz asked me if I wanted to stay with him at Paddy's instead, which kinda threw me because Kaz was all trying to persuade me and shit. I ended up staying at Lauren's, but when I told Kaz I couldn't get to Paddy's, he seemed gutted. Bless him, there's always another night I can stay over, anyways. Plus, I called Kaz before because he texted me saying he was feeling "insecure", and he said he had a great night at Paddy's.. I need to ring him back later when he's not busy, to find out what was making him feel so insecure.. hopefully it wasn't drink or cutting, because he's doing really well not doing those, so it'd be shit for him to feel bollocks for it all now.

Another shitty thing yesterday, was my goddamned lip!! I got twatted with a New Rock ((huge gothic boot)) last night at Drews. My lip's all cut up, it probably looked like I'd just murdered someone with the amount of blood on my hands. I was surprised I didn't really cry, but then I don't think I do when I'm hurt anymore for some reason. Dan Turnbull ((I want him dead, no joke)) probably loved every second of it, so I'm actually glad I didn't cry, despite it apparently making you feel better. It's all swollen, and I look horrible, I hate it now. Mehness, so yea.. now I'm just the hated "emo" with a fat lip.. great.

Also, Jane was hanging around again yesterday. I cba with writing any more in this post, so I'll just say she's Kaz's ex girlfriend, who doesn't stop telling me how great she thinks Kaz is, and glares at me everytime I go to hug or kiss Kaz.. so it's always fun kissing him/showing her the ring on my finger =P

What a bitch.

blood, lip, town, paddy, dan turnbull, jane, kaz, money, new rocks, crying, lauren, green fest, sleeping, i hate dan turnbull, drew, insecure

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