Apr 19, 2006 11:00
Well, should I start with the usual apologies for not updating properly?? Ah ok then- I'm sorry, I wasn't at the computer yesterday because... well, I have a life. But I have a lot of news to write about. Which would you rather, me updating every day with "oh god I'm bored" or me updating every couple days with "wow, this happened and that happened" etc..
Well, where do I start?? I guess I'll go from last time I was on here, Monday afternoon. My grandma came around to survey the "mutilation" of my lip. Who cares if she doesn't like my lip piercing, it's not her problem. Another thing she said to me on Monday is that she's buying me a shed for Christmas. Yea, a shed. But actually, I was thinking, that'd make a canny good present, since then I'll have a place to put my drums and hang out with everyone without my parents getting pissed off about there being "strange people" in the house.
After seeing the dragon, I went off to Stage. I actually stayed the full time at stage, even though it was in two halves of shit and great. I walked upstairs first off, and who was there?? Kaz and a girl. I really thought I'd be able to handle that, but what with everything else I've been worried about, I broke down. I was actually made to sit with Gary on a sofa with the two of them while everyone ran around me asking why the hell I was crying. Well, at least Waffle boy, Calum, Dean and Robin care about me, because Gary just left me there with Kaz and the bitch. The thing I actually didn't know after I managed to pull myself together was that the bitch was actually breaking up with Kaz. But I was getting slapped about in the knees pit by then, so it's not like I knew until I saw him afterwards. He gave me his new mobile number, and made me promise to go into town for the next day, which I did.
So, before going to see Kaz in town yesterday, I got a call from Isabel. She said she's sorry for everything she said to me the other day about the smoking. I guess it's ok now. woot.
Anyways.. oh yea, Kaz. Well, I saw Kaz in town yesterday then. Calum had apparently had a "talk" with him, telling him I still liked him, which Kaz then told me about a couple hours later. So, we had words (lots of words) and things started to happen again. We went down to lizas cowfield, where a shitload of people were there drinking and fucking about. It was kinda fun I guess, I was just happy to be lying on the grass with Kaz, since I got tired. Then some defty called the police for people drinking, so we decided to leave before we got the blame too.
So then, on the way to exi, Calum was all like "come on, both of you want to go out with each other.. blah blah" and set us up. That really pissed Kaz off, because he wanted to ask me out himself. So, after Calum went home, we were up in exi alone, and he told me how pissed off he was. So I just said- ok then, here's what we'll do..
Mel: Sorry Kaz, but we have to break up
Kaz: :-|
Mel: Now ask me out again, you deft twat!!
Kaz: Oh right!! Mel, will you go back out with me??
Mel: Oh, go on then!! :P
Hee, we're crazy. Anyways- we stayed up in exi for a while, just talking and sorting shit out. Fuck knows how we were talking about seeds and flowers and shit, but he got to talking about this story of when he was a kid, and he planted apple seeds in the garden, and how he cried when it grew because he was so happy. That was so sweet. He also picked a daffodil from the grounds of exi and gave it to me, which is now upstairs in my room ^_^
I can't wait till I see my Kaz again. He asked me to phone him this morning, but he didn't pick up, so he's either asleep or he was screening his calls because I've never called him from my house phone before. Ah well, I'm sure he'll gimme a ring or a taxt later on. Actually, screw that, I'll go call him now...
knees pit,