Jan 01, 2012 16:45
I realize that I put "part 1" in the subject line for my first Bobby Singer, Paranoid Idjit post. And I did have a part 2; I just got distracted by all the other shiny topics I have in mind. But I'm back to this one.
Bobby is dead by his own stupidity.
I know, I know, we shouldn't speak ill of the dead. And how could it be his fault? He didn't ask to get shot--he didn't exactly jump in front of the bullet or anything. Except, well, he did.
Bobby got caught because he was a sniper without a spotter. And snipers are supposed to have spotters. Why? Because they're looking through a scope at something and losing all peripheral vision! They can't see what's going on around them! They need someone to make sure they're not being snuck up on! And the boys put Bobby on that roof as a sniper, without one of them there as his spotter. Now, giving him a spotter would have cut down on their backup to just one person, but they're now down to two people permanently because Bobby is dead, because they couldn't give him a spotter.
This is made doubly pointless when you realize that there was no point to using Bobby as a sniper in the first place. You can't kill a Leviathan with a gun. You can't even slow it down. So why did they put Bobby up there? Did they just want to see what the Leviathans were up to, or see how many there were? Here's a hint, guys: There are enough Leviathans that they have a whole town under their thumb. You can barely handle one at a time. Run.
But because the boys, as usual, are functional morons, they don't run. They send one of their three precious fighters up to the roof with a worse-than-useless weapon, and when he gets caught they run into the building with nothing that can permanently or semi-permanently incapacitate the monsters they're going in to fight. That is why Bobby died. The phrase "Too Dumb To Live" comes to mind.