Mar 30, 2007 21:34
The Holly G girls did stop by. BD Wong in the office (I LOVE him) told Ivory not to move here. I snagged a pen for 'bel and showed them my apartment. I never really notice that our living room carpet was so icky. These people are pigs. There was a guy cleaning his car outside who almost snapped his neck trying to watch Ivory/Sue walk away. There's no such thing as discretion anymore. I was bored so I went with them to campus: played around on the bicycle arches, saw a weird bug. "Reno: 911" inside; distracted 'bel from studying. Pizza in little squares. Sort of met Justin although at first I thought Laura was nuts since she introduced him and no one appeared. I'm not fond of a blond bowl cut, but he's taller than me which makes him tall. I'm not even taking the class and Spanish 2 bugs me. Subjunctive/indicative. Grrr. Boy. Home. "L & O."