Aug 31, 2006 11:14
I got into a Brit Lit class taught by a man named Marty. Cute >< I've been trying to get into that section all week because I'm messing around with my schedule. That and the original teacher I had looked like Crazy Dr. S. Moss (who's teaching late Shakespeare this semester and I can see her dressing up), but is not Dr. S. and that made me sad.
I might have to walk in the rain this morning but I don't care b/c things finally started to go my way with that class addition. 1 extra seat. Out of nowhere. Phew. After getting an email from him saying that there was no easy way for him to add me to his roster after the cap.
I was supposed to read "Last of the Mohicans" apparently. I did not.
... then again, I hardly ever do.
Jeanne! I love your wooden spoons and spools and such.
Off to classes now.
I'll write about the apt. mtg. later. That was... something.