Youtube is such a pain, they deleted me -__- wahhhhhhhhhhhhh.. *Cried for twenty million more hours.* Sniff, sniff *Stops crying*
Oh right, now I made it new youtube account :)
xAiHimex1 Hehehe....
Anyways. Now that I've said that, i'll give you the link click on the username., o(^_^)o<---- So cuteeee?
I'm gonna reupload Lotus and Love Yourself too, but now on a public feed, sorry....
But, I'm uploading it as unlisted, so I'll give out the links soon, k?
Plus, as of right now, I'm uploading Akanishi Jin's new PV ---- o(^0^)o wooooooooooooooooooooo~ ----- since he left to America --- :'(wahhhh---
His new pv is called Eternal, it's such a beautiful song, Eternal. I really, really cannot describe it with words, but I think I would love it even more if Yamapi was singing the song with him, because I saw a video of them singing it together before, like a long long long long time ago and thehy didn't even make a pv :( But I'm glad Akanishi made one now. If you hate Akanishi for leaving KAT-TUN behind, fine , go ahead. But to me, Once he became a KAT-TUN member, he's always one no matter what happened. If it wasn't for Akanishi, I wouldn't have ever founded out about KAT-TUN, nor Ueda,,who's my favorite KAT-TUN member not even Johnny Entertainment .. Actually I have been listening to Golf-Mike for a year or two, but I use to think that they only belong to GM Ent so I was bound to find out one way or another....... would have I known without this man. Akanishi has amazing talents and singing is one of them. If you supported him back then, why not now? Because I've seen a lot of people who said, Akanishi is horrible on his own or I don't really like Akanishi anymore. If this is what he wants to do, then so shall be it. This is his dream, why don't support it? Don't we want to have supports for our dreams?
Mhh, yeah, sorry... Ultimate Wheels was next on my to-translate list, but then Akanishi came along with an I-Can't-Refuse-To-Translate-This-Amazing-Beautiful-Song, So you'll still have to wait for it.
Nipon Ainiikuyo ~~ Who loves Golf-Mike? I do, I love them, I'm listening to their song since umm Eternal just ended. I'm a very big fan of them, their Thai <3 in Johnny's Entertainment <3 Cut that out, I'm listening to Sleepwalking by Yamashita Tomohisa YAMAPI <3, anyone wants me to sub that? May be even some other songs from his album? Ugh,, I'm not even listening to Yamapi anymore -_-" I'm so stupid, but I wanted to make Akanishi's name and new about his pv noticeable, hehe. I LOVE PIKO AND SEKIHAN <3 No, that is not random, or at least for me becuase I'm listening to DON'T BE LAZY by Niconi☆school ... So ya ...I'll publish this in 20 minutes when Akanishi's pv has rendered.