Jun 08, 2005 13:38
Just chilling out at home on my day off....
was going to mow the lawn but that has turned out moderately disasterous...so I am waiting until my dad gets home from work...(around 4 ish) to try again....
no check in the mail today and no response from my rep at Evercom so I'm beginning to worry a bit.
But we'll see...
I guess I won't get paid by tomorrow so Oh well to that. I guess that means no shopping for me.
I was going to either rent or buy some new movies but I have decided against that for two reasons: 1)I don't have a ton of money and 2) the money I do have goes to gas and food...
so there.
However, under careful consideration....my mom gave me 20 bucks...I could spend it all at blockbuster and buy some movies....
or I could drive up to Bowie and use my Borders gift card....
or I could just chill out at home and be bored.
we'll see ;)