
Oct 13, 2007 11:48


Character: Tear Grants
Series: Tales of the Abyss
Character Age: 16

Canon: When the world needs saving, it calls on the Main Character who, more often than not, hacks n' slashes his or her way through dangerous enemies. To every Main, however, is a Second, who keeps everyone alive. That role is fulfilled by one Tear Grants, and don't let the emo-implied name fool you; Tear is one lean, mean, diva machine. Casting aside the stereotype of helpless healer, she is well-versed in both supportive and offensive abilities, the likes of which are executed by songs known as fonic hymns. Her introduction is memorable: learning of her brother's plans to destroy the current world, Tear tracks him down to stop him, even if it means killing--or being killed by--her own blood. The attempt, though, proves unsuccessful and from thereon, things spiral downhill with the state of the world. It's an internal challenge the girl must face throughout the duration of the game, as she doesn't want to kill him, but cannot approve of his plans either.

As a soldier of the Order of Lorelei, Tear was trained from an early age to have a firm grasp on her actions and emotions. This gives the impression that she's a callous sort of person; she was even called a "cold bitch" at one point (by Luke fon Fabre, a boy to whom Tear would later become a mentor.) However, this assessment couldn't be farther from the truth. Tear cares strongly for her friends and allies, going so far as to step in harm's way to protect them. Many times, she will take on the role of Big Sister, being both caring and stern, not pulling any punches with her comments on what was done wrong and how to improve it. She also carries an undeniable love for all things cute, though this is a fact she will protest if brought up. If one is paying attention, though, the under-the-breath comments of "so cute" and "want to hold" are definitely catchable.

Sample Post:
This feels silly, but I suppose it's just like every other observation report. In any case.

Report #1: To say that today was strange would be quite the understatement. I've found myself in a foreign land with no idea of how I got here nor how to return home. It's...a swamp. A disturbing swamp with questionable wildlife and foliage. There was a tree with underwear on its branches... Fortunately, not everything is so abnormal. The first sentient--or rather, obviously sentient--being I came across was a monster that called itself a moogle and it was very cute. The moogle is the one that explained our location, this... Camp "Fuck You Die," and that I was...well, stuck here. At first I thought it a trick, but it continued with the explanation as if it were just the most normal thing in the world, so I took its words with a grain of salt.

Afterwards, it asked if I'd like my data to be saved. Apparently, a moogle's purpose is similar to our memory circles, so I saved. This appearance is an alteration that should be looked into back home. It then gave me directions to the nearest building, where I could find my "fellow campers," and finished with a deep warning that not everything was trustworthy. That even the, ah, bushes were a threat to one's life.

I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't take this warning very seriously.

On the way, I saw a light, thought to be a fire, in the distance. Upon closer inspection, it was indeed a bonfire, but...there were bunnies around it. Dancing. They were so cute... O-Of course, as a soldier of the Intelligence Division, I had to investigate. It appeared to be some sort of celebration, but before I could approach them directly, they approached me. It was rather odd to hear a bunny squeaking at me. After introductions were made, the chief --socute-- invited me to stay for dinner, explaining that the new arrival of food was the reason for their celebration. I...accepted, of course. How could you not...

As soon as I took a seat, they surrounded me, now chanting and raising their carrots in the air as if they were staffs. I was so blinded by their - illusionary innocence that by the time I realized what was for dinner, I was nearly overtaken by their sheer numbers. Fortunately, I was able to put them to sleep with a fonic hymn and escape, but...

To think that I would be so careless as to ignore the warnings of a natural inhabitant of this cursed land. This "camp" is horrible, twisting such adorable animals into carnivorous monsters. One could hope that the rest are not like the bunnies, but that has already been my downfall and I'll not allow it to happen again.

Still... Should we meet again, I'll...try to remind them of the benefits and nutritional value of consuming carrots and other vegetables instead of using them as weapons. After all, they're still bunnies... Though perhaps I'll take to carrying some jerky with me from now on. Precautionary measures.

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