Dec 31, 2006 14:15
you know it was really nice not having to work last sunday. it was a nice break. and it was nice not having to work on friday and saturday this week. i actually got to kinda sleep in two days in a row. i say kinda because my sister, brother-in-law and 7 and 1/2 month old niece are visiting and mornings are not very quiet at my house. plus my grandpa was staying with us for a few days because my grandma broke her ankle and was in the hospital waiting for surgery.
not too much is new. my christmas was pretty good and i am glad to say that i am excited for new years this year. i actually have some plans and something very new is that i already have plans for next new years too! crazy. i am going to a potluck house party at kevin's friend justin's house. should be fun.
i think that i have 2 new years resolutions this year. #1 is to get back into shape and #2 is to try and help out the environment by recycling more and stuff like that. so if you happen to talk to me over the next year, please ask me house the resolutions are going. and hey...if you have resolutions and want to know some steps to help you keep them, here they are:
1. Write Them Down. It's a fact: writing down your goals gives you a higher chance of success.
2. Commit. Move beyond the land of "good ideas" to promise yourself to show up for your goals.
3. Tell People. Let your family and friends in on your new commitments and goals for the year.
4. Get Accountability. Even better than just letting others in on your goals- get some accountability. Meet for lunch once a month with a friend group that will ask you, "So, how's it going with your goal?" Get some support!
5. Make a Plan. Ensure success with a step-by-step plan. Try starting with the end vision of where you want to be and work backwards to where you are today. You'll find an easy plan to make your goal a reality.
6. Do a Goal Check-In. Before you decide on what you'll take on for the year, make certain you can answer, "YES!" to the following questions: "Am I the primary reason for setting this goal (vs. your mom, boyfriend, wife, boss, society)? Do I feel alive and energized by this goal
7. Get Real! If you're contemplating putting a goal down that you always put down and never achieve, take a second look. How will this goal end DIFFERENTLY this year? Is this goal something you need to let go of? What purpose is it serving you? What's a good enough reason to finally achieve this goal?
8. Focus With Reminders. Once you've got your goals and plan in place, figure out ways to remind yourself. Try posting your goal in the bathroom or car. Or you can put reminders in your palm pilots, blackberry or cell phone. Figure out what works for you.
9. Believe and Visualize. Visualize yourself on New Years Eve 2007 with all your goals achieved. What would that look like? How would it feel? Visualize once a day and see the difference it can make in your life.
so there you go. i'll check back in 2007. happy new years everyone!