Jun 18, 2005 12:58
So yes, Kali I am jealous of you. Let me count the ways....
Lets see...
I am jealous of how you seem to think that just because you cant have Steve...PS he doesnt want you, get over it!...that you think that he can be replaced by a guy that you dont even like. You have said so yourself that you dont like him...thats real fair to poor Josh...where is your regard for his heart???? Oh wait you only care about you....
I am jealous that as soon as you start to feel any sort of emotion, you have to take drugs to fix it...sometimes its ok to feel emotion...real people do...
I am jealous that you seem to think that as long as you have that label of a boyfriend...no matter who it is...then u matter...
I am jealous of how selfish you can be and not seem to care what others feel...I wish I could totally disregard others emotions...
I am jealous of how YOU asked ME to go to Michigan's adventure but dont have the guts to tell me that you would rather hang out with the guy that you give two shits about....cause God forbid STEVE knew you were single...that might not make him jealous cause that seems to be your intent....
I am jealous of the fact that you got to be with Josh when i sat on my ass...HAHAHA nice Kal...um I went to michigan's adventure cause I have OTHER FRIENDS...I hope you had fun in Grand Haven, way to lie...
I am jealous of how you have never had respect for a friendship...never will...
I am jealous of how at your last two years of GVSU you have made what 2 friends??? One cause you live with her and one cause you got dumped and needed a loaner...
So needless to say you were right...I am so damn jealous...I wish i had your lil fake life...But i guess I will just have to settle for mine...with everything I have going for me...DAMN...that made my day....so I am glad you had a lil laugh, but i am sure you didnt cause you dont feel emotions...so good luck with that
For all the rest of ya,
<3 Tatas