Nov 30, 2014 00:00
and that's ok.
so what would i put for mood: erratic? perhaps. but overall ok.
i have some praise reports along with some injury reports.
let's begin, shall we?
so last sunday we had a great day of worship. we all needed to be in the presence of God. honestly i need to be in His presence more often. i can tell the difference when i've been enveloped by the beauty of His holiness and when i've allowed myself to be taken in by the cares of this world. some of the cares are real and in my face, but He keeps reminding me that His grace is sufficient for me. i need to keep reminding myself of that when i have students who regurgitate the rudeness that comes from their parents. i need to remind myself of that when i find out more and more of how horribly the center where i work is run.
this too shall pass. it always does but it's hard to see when immersed and submerged in the situation. i can do this through the strength that i get from the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. i need to walk in that authority.
so back to last sunday. had a great day and into the night i was letting bella and diesel out for their "last time out." i slipped on my sock or tripped over bella. maybe both. either way i lose my balance and come crashing down on bella's head. my leg, foot and other hand land on the stairs. i'm hurt but i can't tell how badly. i start to cry. everything makes me cry these days. i think i've hurt bella and i'm sad and feel horrible and i cry. my body is in pain and i don't know if i can walk. and i cry. the dogs are both looking at me wondering what happened. my brother hears me crying and asks if i'm ok. i tell him i'm not sure. he walks over and sees the dogs looking puzzled. i realize how bad my foot hurts at this point. can i walk on it? sort of. i'm in so much pain.
i hobble down the rest of the stairs to where my husband heard nothing. he sees something is wrong and i ask him to get our ice pack. i tell him about my fall and i'm not sure if i need to go to the hospital. i see the time and i don't want to go since i'll end up sitting around for several hours to probably find out i bruised my bone or something. rob inspects my foot and sees no visible bruise or swelling. not going to the hospital. so i ice it and go to sleep.
my foot has been paining off and on all week. i finally get to the doc and have an xray. not broken. yay! i can still say i've never broken a bone. i've jammed bones and in this case it's safe to say i dislocated a bone but not broken. praise God!! the doc squeezed my foot to see where the pain was and i heard or felt something pop. he claims he didn't but i know i did. i think my toe is back in place.
i've been able to walk better ever since. when i see my chiropractor again, i'll have him look at my foot.
soooo... on to better things!
i'm finishing up my first semester back in grad school to complete my certification for special education. school is super expensive and i refuse to take out anymore loans in order to complete my masters degree. i'm still paying off my 2nd bachelor's degree. um, no thank you.
so i was entitled a sum of money as trustee over an account and i got to write a check for $1k!! that was a big step in the direction i needed to go to pay the first month's payment for my upcoming semester. my credit card company just increased my limit again by $2k and this is the card i use to pay my tuition. i pay off enough each month to pay another tuition payment. i do it this way due to convenience and since i earn points on this credit card so my husband and i can take our first real vacation since our honeymoon. he is used to having vacations and i'm not since i haven't been able to afford one in about 7+ years.
i fully expect that to change. i got my $5k i've been expecting. allow me to explain.
i follow a marketing coach who teaches that you need to expect what you want and have a plan for the money that you're expecting and you attract it to yourself. now it may not come all at once and not how you expect but it does come! i played this game myself and the way my $5k came was 2 increases of 2k on my credit card and 1k in cash. so amazing! so now i'm expecting $10k. i've been applying to scholarships to help pay for school and that would be great since it would pay for a semester and a half. any bit helps.
another pleasant surprise was that my monthly tuition payment is $300 less than last semester. at first i looked to make sure that was correct. the difference was that i was able to begin payments a month earlier than last time and gave myself an extra month over which to stretch my payments. so booyah to that! now i can pay off the credit card more to have available for my next 2 payments. God always provides but not always in the way i think it will happen. keeps me on my toes.
i will be getting paid in cash from future tutoring sessions with one of my students which will make it easier for me to save up for the convertible laptop that i want. my current laptop has not been cooperating with me on a consistent basis and now that i'm getting more customers with my crochet business, i want to have a functional way to take payments and also to take notes in upcoming classes. i could be marketing my business while in class since i am fully capable of multitasking like that. i feel like much of my time sitting in class could be put to better use while i'm absorbing the lecture. wish i could crochet during class. i did have one class where my professor didn't mind me crocheting since she knew i have trouble sitting still. and i still took notes and participated in class, so why not?
in any case, i'll update when i start getting my $10k. i can't wait. will be so exciting!
not broken,
falling down stairs,
dislocated toe