Rest Assured

Aug 26, 2007 02:53

i had forgotten things because i was caught up in the changes life had been throwing at me. i was seemingly secure because i felt stable in the things around me, but they were temporary comforts.
When change came i apparently wasn't ready. I knew it was on its way but i never imagined it to be like it was. So i freaked out, i unleashed what i hate about me. you know, the insecurities. everyone's got them, everyone hates em. They shut me down. I didn't want to accept change because i saw what was coming. i tried taking what seemed to be an easy way out. I denied it all, and tried to create a new state. one similar to the previous one i was in. One that would comfort me like before. It was irrational.
truth is, i was afraid. I kept trying to "create" and it only caused problems. I wanted it to go according to my standards, which no longer acknowledged harmony. I felt if i had control of it all then it would flow smoothly. But that was foolish, i understand now.

I'm still learning so much.

I'm getting my head on straight, letting go of my pride, focusing on what really matters. Things are forever changing, and I need to be ready because things are moving on to a much larger scale, at an accelerating rate.
More change is on its way, I know this. It's life, it's growing up.
I want to be prepared.
I may not exactly understand things when they first arrive, or what exactly to do when presented with them. But i think, after a revision in my thinking/mindset (which has already begun), i will be able to handle the future situations with more astuteness.
I'm ready world.
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