Nov 08, 2004 22:59
I am sleepy. Hopefully writing this will make me tired enough to actually fall asleeep. It usually does .(thats why I write in here so much...thats why so many of the entries are written at night). I fell asleep in 3 classes today. History, Chemistry, and Health. History was the worst. When I woke up I had the imprints from my sweater on my forehead and right cheek. Otherwise school was fine. I was freakishly energetic at one point and everything was making me laugh. Today was my French teacher's last day of teaching us :-D I can't really remember anything from the rest of the day. I think I slept through it.
For some reason I am very content with myself. I told a good amount of people how I actually felt about them this weekend and I feel so relieved. I guess you can say i brushed it off my shoulders. hahaha very corny joke. i need to deleted that. During the past few days I've realized who here are my true friends. And all the other "friends" can kiss my booty :-)
The 3 day weekend went by pretty fast. As I said before, I hung out with Tye on Friday. I'm glad that we went out because we hadn't really chilled w/each other since I don't even know how long ago. Saturday was cool. Alex's dad needed someone to watch his daughter (Alex was at basketball camp) and asked me to watch her. Her name is Erica but she likes to be called She-She (i have no clue why). She is so cute! She is really into politics which is odd since she's only 5. I was suppose to go to church saturday evening but my mommy wasn't feeling well so I took care of her. Sunday was busy. I was in church ALL DAY. We had a second service and it was soooooo long!!!! I didn't get home from church until 8:30! I have to write a speech and present it in front of the church in 2 weeks. The bad part is that I have no clue what the speech is suppose to be on. We had a little family gathering last night. I baked a turkey :-D
Oh good I'm dead tired now! Night nite!!