Jan 26, 2005 14:49
this is a new and exciting day....
here is the scoop.
i dont really have mucho time to tell you all, whoever you all may be because i am still a little confused as to how people find you on this thing... but i have found the cure to the flu.... it is a combination, which is why no one knew before . there are two components to the curing process.
A. sex
2. (well this is um illegal i guess.... not that i would know by experience... )
i guess that is of no help to anyone because i cannot be specific, but if i could you would understand how wonderful my day has been in comparison to the past ones (which have been hell )
the flu is hell and that is all there is to it. im excited about being able to talk to a little electronic window and people on the other side read it. so there will be more and you will be entertained. i hope.
i will call you trudy.
goodbye trudy
until next time.