Title: Quick hop to the moon and back
meloenijsRating: PG
Word Count: Drabble - 100 words
Pairing: implied Doctor/Master
Summary: He came here once in a while, when he felt a certain sadness, only one person ever to have been able to cause it.
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine, I’m merely borrowing them.
This is what he loved about having a time ship; you could say you’d be back in a minute, and be gone for days. He was planning to return, eventually. But now that Amy had so kindly helped him through his regeneration sickness, he remembered exactly what had happened. What had caused him to regenerate, what had happened before that.
He let the TARDIS float through mid-space and went to sit in the doorway, legs swinging in the vacuum of space. His feelings of loss had dulled through his regeneration, but not enough. He’d once again lost him. The Master.