- The Remus Lupins is on right now. Yay, I love you Alex. Give me a button, hug, AND rock and roll, please. I hope he plays "Looking for Trouble," because I love it.
- Aw, sweetie, now I can't hear your words when you're playing the guitar at the same time. That's okay. I'm not complaining. I'm happy. I don't need lyrics to be happy.
- "More everything, you say? I think so, too!"
- Every time he goes quiet for a little while, I get paranoid that it's stopped working.
- Oooh, I can tell they're making more adjustments to the audio. I appreciate that.
- Crowd: ALEX, YOU'RE HOT!
Alex: Thank you! You're pretty, too!
- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. HE'S PLAYING "SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. HE SAID IT'S ABOUT LUCIUS AND VOLDEMORT. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. MY NIGHT IS MADE. AHHHHHHHHHH! (Any Leaky people reading my livejournal for the first time may not understand my obsession with the song "Since You've Been Gone," but let's just say that it exists in a big way. And that bands I love have a tendency to cover it, and I have a tendency to love them even more for that.)
- Please start working again. Seriously.
- Okay, the person I'm talking to got her feed back. Please come back.
- Okay, I stopped it and started it again. That worked. ::lets out a sigh of relief::
- Is he seriously giving out chocolate? Do I need to add another person to my fangirl crush list? He just said that chocolate fixes everything, so maybe I do.
- I think I'm going to have to pee soon. Maybe I should go do it now, during "We'll Miss You, Cedric."
- Okay. Took care of that.
- A song you need me to sing along with? I'm your girl, The Remus Lupins.
- Weeee liiike the twiiiins much better. Alex, I AM in a choir! Or, I was. For many years.
- Alex, come to Kentucky, please.
- Weeeee liiiike the twiiiins much better.
- I'm nifty? You're nifty, too, Alex. But I have no chocolate, so maybe you should work on getting me some of that, Alex.
- Alex, you put on such a good show.
- Awwwwww, they told him to wrap it up? That's not very nice. There's plenty of time for everything. Who wants this to end before it has to?
- Heheheheh, he just called the "fire hazard" people a dance squad.
- HAAAA, he just said he wants to see Emerson and Melissa punch each other in the face, and now he's playing "Looking For Trouble"!!!!
- Okay, Ben just called me. I knew as soon as my phone rang that it was him.
Ben: Hey! What are you up to? Are you busy? Can you talk?
Melody: Um. I am very busy. And important.
Ben: Oh, well, okay.
Melody: ::launches into a spiel about Pottercast, Leaky Mugs, being a transcription elf, the joy of it all, randomly mentions that my grandmother just died::
Ben: ....
Melody: ::starts singing "Looking for Trouble" along with The Remus Lupins::
- But now The Leaky Mug is starting soon!!
- "Check."
- Whoa, they LOVE Sue!! (Who doesn't?)
- Wait, where's Melissa? Are they saving her for last? Because she's the coolest? YAAAAY! LEAKY'S OWN MELISSA ANELLI! Now they're saying her name.
- Melissaaaaaa...come BACK!
- Umm...we can't hear people talking if they don't have a mic. FYI.
- Melissa? I have no idea what's going on. Whaaat?
- Melissa, we can't hear you. We don't know what's going on.
- Dawlish count: 1
- Are people cheering because Melissa is going to get a mic soon?
- Um, you're laughing, but I don't know why.
- Okay, John just said, "Yay, she's back," so maybe that means we're going to get to know what's going on!
- Death Eaters like to play spin the bottle? Hey, we can hear now!
- Pssshhhh. Harry and Draco aren't tired of being shipped. I've heard rumors that John and Emerson showed up at the slash panel because THEY were tired of being shipped.
- Okay, people who get to go to Vegas AND NYC? I hate you.
- Awwww, they're saying hi to us! By us, I mean the people listening to the live feed.
- I think Harry's going to live too, Melissa and Sue.
- Um, Ben (of MN, not Powell), you're crazy. It would not be cool for the evil side to win. LOL. "Who's a fire hazard?" "VOLDEMORT!"
- Horcri count: 1
- If John doesn't know how love can kill someone, then he obviously hasn't gotten close enough to the fangirls. I would know. I AM a fangirl.
- Haaa, Care Bear Stare.
- I love that they're just calling her Hottt Cheryl. That's her name. Not Cheryl. Not Cheryl Klein. Hottt Cheryl.
- Crap, I have to pee again. I drank a LOT of tea.
- Horcri count: 2
- Horcri count: 3
- Dawlish count: 2
- Okay, I can't keep count anymore. But there was a Melissa "Dawlish," too. YAY.
- Oh, John Noe. Why do I love it so much when you say things?
- YAAAAY! They're giving a shoutout to the transcription elves!! Yaaaay!! Awww, they're so sweet. It's the least you can do for the transcription nightmare that you're in the process of recording!
- Heheheh, I'm currently in the Elf Chat, the Corner Booth Chat, and posting thoughts on here. This is so fun.
- Nooooooooooooooooooooooo, Remus is going to LIVE.
- This is going to be so hard to transcribe. There are so many voices I'm not familiar with. And I always get all the Muggleboys confused.
- Listening to this live and chatting with people is so fun. And so awesome. It's so sad that I won't be able to do it for the NYC podcast.
- Oooh, this discussion about Snape is getting really, really good. I'm loving this.
- I love, love, love this Snape discussion. I'm talking with the elves, and we're talking about how this is what Pottercast needs to get back again--ideas. Real discussion of the books. This reminds me of why I love the books so much, not just why I love the Pottercast people. More ideas, Pottercast! More real discussion of the books! This is why everyone loves CC so much.
- In the elf chat, we're trying to figure out which voice belongs to which name. Which is very difficult.
- Ooooh, they're bringing the discussion back to the chess metaphor again. I love the chess metaphor.
- Whoa, BEST POINT EVER: under the influence of Felix Felicis, Hermione and Ginny let Snape go. Meaning that it was the right thing to happen. BEST. POINT. EVER.
- Also, best discussion ever.
- I love John's point about how when Dumbledore speaks or Hermione speaks, that's Jo's voice. John, you rock. Don't pretend that you don't.
- Okay, there are scary noises outside my window. Dementors? Death eaters?
- YAAAY!! SINGING!!! I'm going to be singing along with Melissa!!! Don't worry, Melissa, I am totally singing along with you. For what that's worth.
- Okay, not singing. Trivia contest. That's good, too. Yaaaay, it's Steve!! YAY STEVE VANDER ARK!!! WE LOVE YOU!
- This is so fun.
- These questions are really hard. Steve rocks.
- "You have to push the button, Emerson."
- Holy crap, Leaky is pwning Mugglecast. Okay, now not pwning. Leaky: 4, MN: 2. But still winning so far. I think Steve and Emerson may rumble.
- Huh. The only way that Warner Brothers would approve a trivia contest is if it wasn't exclusively Harry Potter. That's why Steve's throwing in Greek mythology and LotR questions. Weeeeiiird.
- "Ron's wand is 14 inches long." HAAAA.
- Leaky: 15, MN: 8.
- Wow, the MN bunch sure is whiny and needy. "Waaahhhh, my fangirls are too loud."
- Oh, Leaky PWNS. Even when MN gets a pity point!!! "The Leaky Cauldron has TROUNCED Mugglenet."
- Oh, God, the singing of the Hogwarts School Song is amazing. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. This is amazing. AND THE BIGGEST TRANSCRIPTION NIGHTMARE EVER.
- HERE COMES THE SONG!!! I'm singing, I'm singing, I'm singing.
- And I sang. And it was awesome. And John Noe, I <3 you. (I <3 Melissa, too, but in a different way.)
- ::swoon::
Okay, that was awesome. So, so much fun. Brightened up my day times a million. I love Leaky, I love Pottercast, and I love chatting into the night with people who love those things in the same way that I do. This was a very good ending to what started out as a very rough day. This is, you see, the power of Harry Potter, and the power of fandom.