Jan 29, 2005 18:40
today...what a lovely and bitter day
wahooo! did u know that forenscis is a sport? actually i jsut made that up so dont listen to me..,..stay away actually- i'm probably very dangerous.... you probably shouldn't even trust me- i'mt he kind of person who my decieve you....at least that is what some people think...
but whatever
How is life with everyone? Dandy? that is awesome? Oh! Oh! Mr. Stalker (that is what I shall call you mass murderer man who might read these entries) I hope you had a wonderful day as I did.
Does anyone know what Caodaism is? I think its fascinating..but thats just me- i'm like obsessive about religions. See, I myself dont really ahve a religion and I just find researchign them so intriguiing- so fascinating...personally culture and differences in the world makes life more interesting...but then again: it also creates more hatred.
WEll Shell mell tell TELL!!! tell me of your day!
pleas ei'd love to hear about it! i really would.
I am not hearing anything..speak up! please?
PLEASE SPEAK UP - I really wish to know of your day
*listens..nods head- hopes you said something or else she will look like an idiot listening to voices from nothing*
do you know? garden state is amazing...the movie i mean...i really have no idea why i like it so- but i'm like obsessive (as many of us are for many things)
again, if u've come this far I applaude you... because i dont know if i would have made it that far without eating like... idk 7 doughnuts on the way (oh oops! i forgot i did that last night...silly me)
well i love you all dearly (i think) so have a lovely day and i hope to "chat" again