Now I am in a survey mood, no one will probably read this but sure okay.
1. Name: Melody Leandra Wilkinson.
2. Nicknames: Mello, Magnificent Melody, Banana 2, Wifey(any version of wife), Hoolay Girl
3. Feet size: 5-7 1/2. depends on shoe
4. Do you have a crush: Nope. I'm happily taken =)
5. Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: See above
6. Age you act: 16 on a good day, bad day 3
7. Where Do You Live: Ocean Lakes Hood. or 7 5 7 VA BEACH
8. Where you want to live: New York City. I hate Virginia.
9. Birthplace: Here. boring
10. Favorite Salad Dressing: what kind of dumb question...ranch or italian.
11. Ever gone skinny dipping?: I wish
12. What are you watching?: How can i watch something and do this at the same time? Nothing
13. Last person you talked to: Mommy.
14. Favorite movie: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
15. Favorite Book: Harry Potter
16. Favorite Type of music: Hip Hop or Rap
17. Favorite types of cars: Volkswagon Beetle
18. Favorite Saying: Its as cold as a witches tit in a brass brazierre
19. Favorite Fast Food: Arby's
20. Favorite Ice Cream: Choclate Chip Cookie Dough
21. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Orange Crusher. (My Gmama made it haha)
22. When Do You Go To Sleep: 1030 or 11
23. Most Embarrassing Moment: I was in school and i thought this guy in front of me was my friend and i put my hands on his shoulders and turned him around, and he was NOT my friend it was horrid.
24. Stupidest Person you know: Thats an easy one Kara.
25. Funniest Person you know: Marc, Brad, and Kyle. They have a tie.
26. Favorite holiday: Christmaka. =)
27. Favorite Food: Macaroni and Cheese
28. Favorite Song: I don't have one. but this one is pretty good, Do What You Have To Do-Sarah LcLachlan
29. Favorite Television Show: Made
30. Favorite Radio Station: 106.1
31. Favorite junk food: Sour Patch Kids
32. Favorite sappy love song: Love Song- Enya
33. Favorite Drink: Rasberry Tea
34. Favorite article of clothing: Shirts
35. Favorite Animal: Monkey
1. School: College- AofU and then NYU
2. Where You Want To Live: New York City
3. How Many Kids You Want: 3
4. What Kind Of Job You Want: Cryptologist and Writer
6. Pets?: 2Dogs, some fish, and maybe a bird
7. Car?: Something expensive
8. 5 years from now?: Hopefully in a serious relationship, still in college
9. 10 years from now?: Maybe found the one I love.
10. 20 years from now?: Hopefully married and have children.
1. Done Drugs: Nope.
2. Run Away From Home: Yes
3. Hit A Girl: Yes
4. Lied: Yes
5. Stolen Anything: Yes
6. Broken A Bone: No
7. Cheated On A Test: Yes
8. Cheated On A Girlfriend/Boyfriend: No answer.
9. Gotten Drunk: Nope
10. Been With Two Guys/Girls At Once: No answer.
11. Been In The Hospital: a year since I was born.
12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yes
13. Fell asleep in the shower/bath: Yes...alot of times
14. Gone to Church: When I was younger. I don't believe in god.
15. Never slept during a night: Yes
16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: Nope.
17. Been to a camp: Nope
18. Sat in a restaurant without ordering: Yes.
19. Seen someone die: No, I would probably cry so much.
20. Gone a week w/out shaving: hah. yes. i hibernate i need bush legs.
21. Didn't wash your hair for a week: no. once during a dance compeition i went 3 days but that was necessary.
22. Broken something valuable: yes...
23. Thought you were in love: no.
24. Streaked the streets: hah. nope.
25. Screamed at someone for no reason: yes.
26. Said I love you and meant it: yes.
27. Been Hurt by a guy/girl you loved: yes...
28. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: yeah
29. Pulled a prank?: yes
30. Made fun of someone?: duhh. HT. haha
SECTION FOUR:Which Is Better..
1. Coke Or Pepsi: Coke
2. Cats Or Dogs: Dogs
3. DVDs or VHS: DVDs
4. Deaf Or Blind: uh what kind of dumb question again...Deaf.
5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: Hot tubs
6. Television Or Radio: Radio
7. CDs Or MP3's: MP3's
8. Apples or oranges: Apples
9. Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
10. Gold or silver: Gold
11. Vanilla or chocolate: Choclate
12. Movies or music: Music
13. Park or Beach?: Beach
14. Hot or Cold weather?: Cold
15. Sunset or Sunrise?: Sunrise
SECTION FIVE:When is the Last Time You..
1. Took a shower: This morning
2. Cried: Last Monday
3. Watched a Disney movie: Oh Gosh. Too long. don't remember
4. Given/gotten a hug: Yesterday, mmm Meredith =)
5. Been to the movies: Like a billion years. Transporter 2 was the last movie I saw
6. Had a boy/girlfriend: I have one now.
7. Kissed someone: Not recently.
8. Said I love you: This morning
9. Danced: Yesterday
1. Your Fondest Memory Of This year: The bus trip to roanoke rapids. =)
2. Your Most Prized Possession: All my writings
3. The Thing That Makes You The Happiest: Dancing
4. Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: Pancakes
5. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: Mac & Cheese
6. Your Favorite Slow Song: I have no idea. i love them all
7. Your Ideal Boyfriend/Girlfriend: James Nicholas Berger.
SECTION SEVEN:What do you feel about...
1. Bill Clinton: Impartial.
2. Love at First Sight: I have never felt "love" before so I think it could happen
3. Abortion: Don't get pregnant and you wont have to wrry about it
4. Smoking: Smoke if you want, I wont though. asthma
5. Death: sad.
6. Eating disorders: no answer.
7. Rap: Great Music
8. Marilyn Manson: hmm don't know.
9. Premarital sex: Do what you want. But wont you feel special if someone saved their first time for you. =)
10. Suicide: sad.
1. Full birth name: Melody Leandra Wilkinson
2. Hair color: Dirty Blonde. It's actually a dark brown with blonde highlights that i get in the summer. all natural =)
3. Eye color: Blue, green, Yellow. I'm weird I know
4. Current height: 5'4
5. Glasses/contacts: Contacts, Glasses for when i take them out
6. Birthdate: July 8th
7. Religion: Mommy=Baptist Father=Jewist. I don't believe in God.
8. Current age: 15
9. Siblings: None.
10. Siblings age: Uh see above
11. Location: 7 5 7 VA BEACH
12. College plans: Yes. AofU then transfer to NYU
13. Any piercings: two on each ear. i want my bellybutton right cartilage and a third hole on each ear.
1. Best guy friend: Bradley St. James
2. Best girl friend: Emily Hardt
3. Current crush: None. I'm Happily Taken
4. Boyfriend/girlfriend: See above. James Nicholas Berger
5. Are you center of attention or wallflower: CoA. =)
6. What type automobile do you drive: None yet.
7. Are you timely or always late: Inbetween
8. Do you have a job: Dance Teacher Asst.
9. Do you like being around people: Yes.
10. Hobbies: Dance, Marchingband, Writing.
1. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with?: Yes.
2. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did?: Yes alot of times.
3. Do you have a "type" of person that you always go after: Jerks and Preppyboys
4. Want someone you don't have right now?: No.
5. Ever liked a close guy/girlfriend?: yes.
6. Are you lonely right now?: No.
7. Ever afraid you'll never get married?: Yes.
8. Do u want to get married?: Derr.
9. Do u want kids?: 3 youngins for me
10. Would you rather love or be loved?: Be loved.
1. Room in house: Loft
2. Type of music: Rap and Hiphop
3. Location for dates: Parks.
4. Memory: Dance Recital 2002, the year I met Bradley and Emily.
5. Day of the week: Tuesday
6. Color: Blue and Pink
7. Perfume or cologne: Curious
8. Flower: Poppy
9. Month: July
10. Season: Fall or Spring
In the last 48 hours have you..
1. Cried: No
2. Bought something: Yes
3. Gotten sick: Asthma shit.
4. Sang: Yes haha
5. Said I love you: Yes
6. Wanted to tell someone you loved them but didn't: nahh
7. Met someone new: yes. =)
8. Moved on: nope.
9. Talked to someone: yess
10. Had a serious talk: noo
11. Missed someone: yes
12. Hugged someone: yes
13. Kissed someone: no
14. Fought with your parents: yes
15. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: nope.
16. Had a lot of sleep:hah i wish
haha that was fun here's another haha
If I were a month I would be: July
If I were a day of the week I would be: Saturday
If I were a time of day I would be: Midnight
If I were a planet I would be: Jupiter
If I were a sea animal I would be: Sea Monkey! haha
If I were a direction I would be: South
If I were a piece of furniture I would be: Bed mmm
If I were a historical figure I would be: Patrick Henry
If I were a liquid I would be: Pee
If I were a stone, I would be: Gold
If I were a tree, I would be: Willow
If I were a bird, I would be: Finch
If I were a tool, I would be: Hammer
If I were a flower/plant, I would be: tulip
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: Thunderstorm
If I were a musical instrument, I would be: tuba. =)
If I were an animal, I would be: humming bird
If I were a color, I would be: lilac
If I were an emotion, I would be: happy
If I were a vegetable, I would be: in acoma. hah. jkididng carrot
If I were a sound, I would be: TOINK
If I were a car, I would be: beetle
If I were a song, I would be: love song by enya
If I were a poem, I would be written by: myself
If I were a food, I would be: steak
If I were a place, I would be: fiji
If I were a material, I would be: silk
If I were a taste, I would be: sweet
If I were a scent, I would be: smelling good
If I were a religion, I would be: none
If I were a word, I would be: HOOLAY
If I were an object, I would be: a block
If I were a body part I would be: penis
If I were a facial expression I would be: that one with the one eyebrow up
If I were a subject in school I would be: english or band
If I were a cartoon character I would be: bugs bunny
If I were a shape I would be a: oval
If I were a number I would be: 8
do it fools!