Name Melody or whatever
I Am A chick, shy, artistic, spasm-prone
What I love music, art, writing, colorful things, epic moments of win, good days, nice people, bffs, long black hair (whut?) video games, books, cats, turtles, crime dramas/mysteries, grammar, country stuff, retro stuff, modern stuff, Jane Austen, epic stories, pom-poms, converse, apple computers, ipods, anime, manga, pretty much anything not in my 'hate' list, Hayao Miyazaki films.
stuff I hate Twilight (series/fans), weak female characters (and weak characters in general), ignorance, snobby/preppy people, drama, sadness, stereotypes, stephanie meyer, close-mined people, nerd/geek haters, school, school drama, pervy guys, ppl tyin lyk tis, noobs, politics, people focus on political parties rather than getting the job done, the mindset that appearances are everything.
In the journal I talk about writing a lot. I also lve photoshop so I'll be linking to my icon community,
pinknblackicons a lot. I'll also have spasms about the latest episode/chapter of whatever I'm watching/reading (especially Durarara and Fullmetal Alchemist) I'll talk about my day/real life sometimes. I rant a lot on here, usually about whatever was on abc or aol news that day, or about something I randomly stumbled across.
Updates/post I update pretty frequently, but sometimes I'll just stop posting for while.
Commenting Like said above, I'm shy, so I won't comment much, but I will try to be as helpful as my generic-advice can be.
fandoms:castle, fullmetal alchemist, K-on, durarara, kingdom hearts, sonic the hedgehog, NCIS, Avatar: The Last Airbender, glee, the world ends with you, pokemon (sometimes), Fairy Tale, Rave Master,